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Thank you to Disney/Marvel for covering my expenses so I could participate in the Tom Hiddleston interview. All words and opinions are my own.

I have to say that one of the highlights for me of our trip to L.A. was the round-table interviews.  It’s a great opportunity to see what the person behind some of your favorite characters is actually like.  And in this case, that person was Tom Hiddleston and the character was Loki.

Tom Hiddleston Interview #ThorDarkWorldEvent #FreeLoki

Photo Credit:

Let me just start by saying that Tom Hiddleston is amazing.  From the moment he walked in, to the moment he walked out, he was charismatic and engaging.  He was also extremely funny.  In fact, as he sat down at the table in front of the room to introduce himself at the Thor: The Dark World bad guy Loki, he said “…um, I feel like I should be sitting here with a white cat and stroking it.”

Tom Hiddleston Interview: Talking About Playing Loki #ThorDarkWorldEvent

About Playing Loki

While there was plenty more in terms of laughter, there were also some very insightful moments.  When asked if he enjoyed playing the bad guy, he responded that he feels “…like human nature is like a piano and there are 88 keys, and there are some white keys and some black keys and each character is a different chord on the piano.  And I love, basically I hope that in the course of my life I will have played all 88 keys in lots of different ways.”  He said he thinks that Loki is “a minor chord with a couple of black notes in there.”

One of the things Tom liked most about playing Loki is he “…is the god of Mischief and his mischief is the thing that I love playing so much.”  He continued to say that Loki “…was also a very [sic] fantastic strategist who was a master of magic” and “…playing on that unpredictability and his playfulness has been really fun.”

The previous day we had all worn our #FreeLoki t-shirts to Disneyland. When we told him what we’d done and that  we were rooting for him, he was so excited: “it’s really given me so much pleasure to hear you say that, because when I was a kid, when I’d watch the bad guys the ones I loved were the ones who you sort of wanted to win or you could at least understand their motivations.”

Tom Hiddleston Interview - Why Is Loki So Angry? #ThorDarkWorldEvent #FreeLoki

And after having seen both Thor and Thor: The Dark World I can honestly say – you understand where Loki is coming from.  He’s the second child, playing follow-up to Thor.  Then he finds out that he’s been adopted after being left on a frozen rock to die; pretty much his entire life has been a lie.  Now he’s locked up in a dungeon, “basically been written out of history, condemned to be forgotten, unseen and unheard, and haunted by his demons for eternity,” as Tom put it.  I’d probably lash out, too.

Genuine, and Funny, Too

The above clip isn’t from our interview, I just wanted to share.
Towards the end of our scheduled time, Tom realized there were still a few questions we had planned to ask.  He actually asked if he could stay and try to get through, promising to be “really fast”.  I’m so glad that he did!  Not only did we get to learn that he and Chris Hemsworth are good friends, but we also got to witness a couple of Tom’s famous impressions.  I can’t even put into words how funny it was to see him portray Christopher Walken as Loki.

Tom Hiddleston Interview with 25 Bloggers #ThorDarkWorldEvent #FreeLoki

After the interview was officially over, he was kind enough to take a group photo with all of us (thank you, Marshall!).  Shortly after that, we headed across the road to the Thor: The Dark World premiere.  Tom was actually on the other side of us for much of our red carpet walk.

Tom Hiddleston Walks the Thor: The Dark World Red Carpet #ThorDarkWorldEvent #FreeLoki

After the movie was over, Tom walked past me and I told him congratulations on an amazing movie.  He stopped for a moment to ask me how I liked the movie and thank me for coming.  A few other bloggers in our group recounted similar stories, and I have to say, it definitely impressed all of us.  He has quite an army of #TeamLoki fans happy to support him!

And with so many fans finding themselves in the ranks of Loki-followers, will Loki get his own movie?  Tom flashed that grin of his and said “at this point in time I officially know nothing…the idea that anyone, whether it’s one man and his dog, wants to see Loki in a solo movie is such a huge compliment.”  Cross your fingers!

Go check out my Thor: The Dark World review and if you haven’t seen the movie yet, get going!  I honestly think it might be better than the first Thor, and I loved the original.  Also be sure to sit through both sets of credits for two of the famous Marvel surprises!

After reading the Tom Hiddleston interview, are you #TeamLoki or #TeamThor?

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About Liza

Liza is a mom (5-year-old daughter, 20-year-old stepson, and 24-year-old stepdaughter) and wife living in Louisville. She loves spending time with her family, visiting the local zoo and parks, as well as planning travel adventures. Cooking and baking, DIY projects and crafts, and coffee - lots and lots of coffee - round out some of her other hobbies.

  15 Responses to “My Thor: The Dark World’s Tom Hiddleston Interview – Behind the Man of Mischief”

  1. I saw that Thor was the number one movie this weekend by far, so it looks like all of your hard work helped. I have read many places that Loki was the highlight of the movie. I never even heard of Tom Hiddleston before this. I’m going to have to check him out.

  2. What a fantastic interview! It is so nice to hear that a celebrity was happy to stay and talk. He seems like an amazing guy. I can’t wait to see Thor

  3. Loved the movie! It was so good. And it’s always so much fun to learn more about the actors behind the movie.

  4. I haven’t seen Thor yet!!! *hangs head in shame* So many amazing actors, this is top on my to do list. I love reading the behind the scenes interviews, it sparks my excitement to see the movie even more. Sometimes getting to know the real actor helps make their talents even more impressive (not that they weren’t impressive to begin with.)

  5. How fun that you got to meet him! I’m excited to see the new movie.

  6. Team Thor of course ) But what an awesome opportunity to meet Loki!!!

  7. Love Loki! I’m not usually a fan of the bad guy, but I love Loki! Definitely a great movie – we loved it!

  8. wow this would have been so cool to meet him, he seems like such a down to earth guy.

  9. I didn’t even know who this guy was until this review. Now I am mesmerized. What a smart sounding actor! That piano quote is the best quote I have ever heard from any actor on the planet. That’s sheer genius. Love it. What a great event too. Some day I will get there I hope to see something fantastic as a blogger at an event like this.


  10. It’s so fun to get to know the actor behind the role, and see how they developed the character and why they do certain things to bring the character to life. I’m more excited to see the movie now!

  11. […] share the other day all the fun from my Tom Hiddleston interview.  But Tom wasn’t the only Thor: The Dark World cast member that we were able to speak with […]

  12. […] the same day that we were able to sit down and interview Tom Hiddleston and Jaimie Alexander, we also had the pleasure of speaking with Zachary Levi.  Zachary, well-known […]

  13. […] El Capitan Theatre.  I also had the opportunity to interview three of the cast members, including Tom Hiddleston, Jaimie Alexander, and Zachary […]

  14. […] to watch it.  I was anxious for them to see it and share their thoughts (and I was anxious to see Tom Hiddleston again), so I popped it in the Blu-ray player and we all sat down to […]

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