Mar 072014
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Over the past few weeks, we’ve been enjoying watching Thor: The Dark World Blu-ray/DVD combo pack. I was excited when I found out that we’d be receiving a screener copy of the disc; you may remember that I actually had the honor of walking the Thor: The Dark World red carpet and watching the film at the premier, so I was chomping at the bit for the chance to see it again.

Thor Party Ideas & Thor: The Dark World Blu-ray/DVD

I also was excited that everyone was going to finally get to see the movie I’d been raving about for months.  Not everyone had the opportunity to catch it in theaters, so nearly literally as soon as I carried it in the door everyone was asking when we were going to watch it.  I was anxious for them to see it and share their thoughts (and I was anxious to see Tom Hiddleston again), so I popped it in the Blu-ray player and we all sat down to watch.

Everyone loved it, and there was much Marvel discussion that took place after it was over.  Especially with the not one but TWO teasers after the credits.  Be sure to read my full Thor: The Dark World review for all my thoughts.

I didn’t have time to plan ahead and do a Thor-themed night, but I wish I could have!  So I’ve put together some Thor party ideas for you so you can have the night we didn’t.  I’ll be putting them to use some night this summer, maybe with an outdoor movie night!

  • Watch the Thor: The Dark World Blu-ray/DVD Combo Pack
  • Thor’s Hammer Brownies – Bake brownies, cut them into rectangles, then insert pretzel rods for a hammer shape
  • Chicken wings also make a good Thor’s Hammer food
  • Red Capes: Can be made from inexpensive red disposable tablecloths or old sheets
  • Serve BiFrosted Cupcakes
  • Set up a pasta bar: red sauce for Thor’s cape, and green pesto for Loki fans
  • Print out these Thor bookmarks and tuck them into a Marvel comic for each person
  • These printable Thor helmet pieces make fashionable Thor-viewing headgear
  • Have a few of these Thor coloring pages printed out for kids to color

What Thor party ideas do you have?

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About Liza

Liza is a mom (5-year-old daughter, 20-year-old stepson, and 24-year-old stepdaughter) and wife living in Louisville. She loves spending time with her family, visiting the local zoo and parks, as well as planning travel adventures. Cooking and baking, DIY projects and crafts, and coffee - lots and lots of coffee - round out some of her other hobbies.

  One Response to “Thor: The Dark World Now on Blu-ray and DVD + Thor Party Ideas”

  1. I ordered it and it’s sitting there begging to be watched. I haven’t had time yet. Love the Thor brownie idea!

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