Aug 042015
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Abby’s shower is only a few days away and the planning is coming together!  There are some surprises heading her way and I’m excited for her big day.

Owl Diaper Cake Tutorial - This sweet owl diaper cake makes a cute baby shower centerpiece. A bib, receiving blanket, some diapers, two binkies, and a knit bootie are all the supplies you need. The mustache print is perfect for a boy!

Last year Abby made a diaper cake for a friend’s baby shower and she loved it.  Knowing that she liked diaper cakes, and knowing that she loves owls, I decided to make a cute Owl Diaper Cake for her.  Thanks to Kohl’s for providing the supplies for this owl diaper cake tutorial.

Owl Diaper Cake Tutorial


Baby bib
Swaddling blanket
Knit bootie
“soothers” or binkies
coordinating ribbon

Owl Diaper Cake supplies: baby bib, swaddling blanket, 2 "soothers", a knit bootie, diapers, and ribbon


Start by making the body of the owl.  You can do this free-form but I found that tucking the diapers into a round container (like a metal tub, springform pan, or cake pan) made it even easier.  Overlap the ends a bit and do layers of diapers in a circle until the body is roughly the size of your bib.

Make the owl diaper cake body using overlapping diapers the same size as your bib. Repeat to make the owl's eyes.

Cinch the diapers together tightly and wrap a rubber band around them to hold them in place.  Repeat the process to make the owl’s “eyes” the size you want them.

Wrap a wide, coordinating ribbon around the body and eyes of the owl diaper cake to hide your rubber bands

Cover the body with your bib, then place the eyes above the owl’s body and use a larger rubber band to hold all three pieces together.  Using a wide ribbon in coordinating colors, wrap the ribbon around the owl to cover the rubber bands.

Owl Diaper Cake Tutorial - Step by step tutorial on how to make an adorable owl diaper cake. They make a great baby shower gift and centerpiece idea, too!

Sit your owl up and drape a swaddling or receiving blanket over your owl’s body.  Pinch the corners to make the owl’s ears and let a little extend past the body for the wings.  Use another thin rubber band to hold it in place.

Push the “soothers” or binkies into the owl’s eye sockets to make the actual eyes.  Then tuck a knit bootie between the eyes and body for the owl’s beak.

Boy Owl Diaper Cake Tutorial

Here’s the original tutorial I found on YouTube.  I made a few of my own changes – like adding the soothers instead of flowers for the eyes, changing up the ears and nose, etc.  I thought they went with the theme a little more than flowers (plus provides an extra gift), but you can use whatever works best for you.

I found all the supplies I needed aside from the diapers and ribbon at Kohl’s.  They have a lot of coordinating baby items to help you make your Owl Diaper Cake.  Let me say diaper cakes are a lot easier to make than I thought they would be so don’t be scared to give this a try!

Who would you make an Owl Diaper Cake for?

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About Liza

Liza is a mom (5-year-old daughter, 20-year-old stepson, and 24-year-old stepdaughter) and wife living in Louisville. She loves spending time with her family, visiting the local zoo and parks, as well as planning travel adventures. Cooking and baking, DIY projects and crafts, and coffee - lots and lots of coffee - round out some of her other hobbies.

  45 Responses to “This Cute Owl Diaper Cake Tutorial is so Easy!”

  1. Absolutely adorable! I’ll have to keep this in mind for baby showers to come! Thanks!

  2. I love the ideas you put forth in this post!!! I really want my readers to know about this too! I want to share this in my weekly series called “Roll Out The Red Carpet Thursday” – I share bloggers’ amazing posts that I’ve found during the week. I hope that’ ok! Have a great night!

  3. This is such an amazing idea! Thanks for sharing it. I’m Anita visiting from Creativity Unleashed.

  4. I need a pregnant friend just so I have an excuse to make this!

  5. This is so cute for a baby shower gift.Even this is so good as a centerpiece of a baby shower party table.Thanks for sharing the idea.

  6. This is so adorable! I love it. Thank you for sharing at Inspire Me Wednesday. Featuring you in this week’s issue.

  7. This is the cutest idea! Love it!!!

  8. That is too cute. I have three sister’s in law who are pregnant right now, so this would be a fun shower gift.

  9. Oh wow, this is absolutely cute! I’d love to try making this for my cousin.

  10. I don’t have anyone to make this for at the moment. =( I can’t wait until one of my friends gets pregnant so I can make it!

  11. This is so adorable! I bet that cute owls are the new diaper cake. I hope that I am the first to bring this to my circle of friends for baby showers. :)

  12. OMG, that’s the cutest thing ever! Too bad all of my friends have already had all of their babies. =(

  13. This is ADORABLE! I wish I knew someone that was having baby just so I could do this! How creative! I really love this idea!

  14. This is so adorable! I’m attending a baby shower for twins in a few days and shopping today. You just answered my ‘what to buy’ question!

  15. Oh my goodness, I can not handle the cuteness! Seriously this is such a cool gift idea so useful and adorable!

  16. Oh my gosh!! This is the cutest <3 I can't wait to make one. It will be a great gift.

  17. I absolutely love this idea so much! The owl looks amazing and is so cute!

  18. i have seen a lot of different diaper cakes, but I have never seen a diaper owl before. That is just so stinking cute! I adore it! That would be an awesome baby shower gift!

  19. I can’t handle the cuteness!! I wish I had a baby shower to go to so I can make this! How adorable and unique this is!

  20. That is absolutely adorable. What a fun, and useful gift, to give to a new or expecting mom.

  21. What a darling idea! This makes a great gift for a mommy to be! Definitely can change it up for girl or boy.

  22. Oh my goodness, what an adorable idea. I love, love, love the eyes. How did you ever come up with this? Love it

  23. This is super cute and it would make any new mom happy. I don’t have anyone to give it to, darn it!

  24. I have always loved diaper cakes. This one is especially pretty.

  25. I made my first diaper cake about 20 years ago. I was so proud of how it turned out… it was nowhere near as cute as this. Adorable!

    • I know exactly what you mean! Sometimes I step back from something I make and think “nailed it!” and then turn and see something similar and I’m, like, “aww, man”. I’m sure yours was great, though! Can you believe diaper cakes have been around that long?

  26. This is a fantastic idea. I love how creative it is. It will make a great gift.

  27. This would be the perfect gift for a new baby. I have a few friends that are expecting. I will have to try making one .

  28. This is so cute! Diaper cakes are a great gift.

  29. How cute is that bib!? What a creative idea!

  30. This is adorable! Great job using what you had creatively. This would be a cute surprise for a new mom.

  31. I like this idea. Such a cute and original diaper cake idea.

  32. What an adorable idea owl! Will definitely have to try this for the next time I need a baby gift.

  33. What a cute idea for a baby shower gift! And it’s got a few things new moms need!

  34. […] was near the baby section and the big boxes of diapers caught my eye.  This past summer I made an Owl Diaper Cake that I thought turned out okay and it got me thinking that maybe I could do a Christmas-themed […]

  35. What size diapers did you use for this?

    • I really don’t remember, Frances. Maybe a 3? It would work with any size diaper, though, you’d just need to adjust the number that you use to get the size you want. Hope that helps!

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