Oct 232017

This shop and my tips for winter prep has been compensated by Collective Bias, Inc. and its advertiser. All opinions are mine alone. #WeatherProven #CollectiveBias

When we started discussing the possibility of a move to Maine, the major point of conversation was the winter weather. While my husband does prefer cooler temps over being hot, he wasn’t entirely sure that he would be able to get on board with -30°F temps.

Complete Newbie's Guide on How to Winter Prep Your Car for Extreme Weather

Yep, you read that right. It gets cold in northern Maine. Really, really cold. And snowy. And icy. Let’s just say it: winter in Maine can be a mess.
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Nov 212016

I am thankful for many things this Thanksgiving including all of you that come to my tiny corner of the internet and read what I have to say and share.  As a thank you I created this free Thanksgiving printable “Be Thankful, Always”.

You can print it out, frame it, and set it on your Thanksgiving table, hang it in your office, wherever you want a little reminder to give thanks.

Free Thanksgiving Printable

Download this Free Thanksgiving Printable "Be Thankful, Always", perfect Thanksgiving or fall decor

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Nov 162016

This shop and my RITZ Snowman Treats have been compensated by Collective Bias, Inc. and its advertiser. All opinions are mine alone. #RitzFilledNotHangry #CollectiveBias

We only live a short distance away from Bubbles’ school so I drop her off in the mornings and pick her up at night.  By the time she gets to the car it’s around 3:50 and the door barely closes behind her when she asks for a snack.

These easy RITZ Snowman Treats are a fun way to keep hangry at bay. Download your free printable for snowman stickers today!

Bubbles has always been a little bit of a slow eater, and they don’t get a lot of time for lunch at school.  There have been plenty of times she’s got in the car and said she only had time to eat part of her meal.  And as she doesn’t get hungry so much as she gets hangry, I’ve learned to keep snacks with me at pretty much all times. Continue reading »

Jun 192015

This shop has been compensated by Collective Bias, Inc. and its advertiser. All opinions and summer bucket list ideas are mine alone. #ShareFunshine #CollectiveBias

It’s been warm enough to count as summer here for awhile, but for some reason mid-June has always felt like the ‘official’ start to summer for me.  Probably because during my middle school and high school years school always released around this time.  I guess I still have a case of “school’s out for the summer”.

Free Printable Checklist of Summer Bucket List Ideas for the Whole Family - don't forget to make fresh lemonade, go camping in your backyard, and catch some fireworks!

Bubbles has started to give suggestions of things she wants to do this summer and places she wants to go.  We’re also trying to include Austin and his thoughts in our summer planning as he’ll be leaving for boot camp in about a month.  So we’ve come up with some summer bucket list ideas that the whole family can enjoy (you can click the image above for a printable pdf version). Continue reading »

Apr 142015

This shop and my mommy to be gift basket post has been compensated by Collective Bias, Inc. and its advertiser. All opinions are mine alone. #BestMomsDayEver #CollectiveBias

Mother’s Day is right around the corner, and for someone I know, it’s a very special one.  I’m so excited to share that my sister-in-law and my brother are pregnant with their first child!  So this Mother’s Day will be her very first one.

Mommy to Be Gift Basket Ideas for Mother's Day #BestMomsDayEver

Next month I’ll have a whole lot of baby fun, but to kick off this special time in their lives I wanted to put together a Mother to Be gift basket for Mother’s Day for her.  I’ve filled it with some things I think she’ll need throughout her pregnancy, as well as a few cute gifts I found that I thought she’d appreciate. Continue reading »