I’ve been having all kinds of fun this year with baby shower recipes, DIY baby gifts, and cute ideas for “Baby’s 1st” everything. Honestly, I wish I had the time and energy to have done a lot of these things right after Bubbles was born, but I was pretty exhausted those first few months.
This review was made possible by Double Duty Divas and Pampers. I was provided the featured product free of charge to facilitate my review, but all opinions are 100% mine.
The world is watching Sochi right now as athletes from around the world compete for personal pride and love of country. We’ve tuned in with them; it’s hard to not be drawn to something so amazing. Am I the only one that watches and wonders, “Man, if only I’d taken ski lessons”?
While my own personal Olympic dreams may have never been more than a wish in a review mirror, it’s exciting to think about what the future might have in store for Bubbles. Right now she loves so many different things it’s impossible to guess what sports or activity she may eventually settle into. She’s loved watching the Olympics with us, particularly the skiing and skating, and has made us chuckle as she jumps up and down cheering “Faster! You can do it, go!”.

I received Luvs Super Absorbent product and compensation via Luvs through SheSpeaks in order to facilitate my review. All words and opinions are 100% my own.
Once people find out you’re going to have a baby, you receive a lot of advice and “been there, done that” commentary. One thing I heard a lot about was diapers. Everyone talked about the sheer volume of them that you’d be purchasing over the next few years, and everyone had a suggestion on which brand they felt was “the best diaper”.
The comment on how many diapers you’ll use was spot-on. But as for brands, I received so many suggestions on which was “best”, I ended up just going with the brand I received for my baby shower. We’ve stuck with it most of the time that Bubbles has been in diapers. Here and there we’ve veered off to try another brand, and some of them would work for awhile, but we’ve always found our way back to our initial brand – until recently.
Bubbles wakes up dry every morning, and has for awhile now (a good sign, I think, that we’re ready to work a little more on full-blown potty training). But if she gets involved in playing before I can talk her into a potty break, then her first wet diaper of the morning almost always involves a change of clothes.
I participated in a campaign on behalf of Mom Central Consulting for HUGGIES. I received product samples to facilitate my review. All opinions are my own.
Bubbles, for the moment, is still in diapers (though we’re making some progress on that). But now that she’s older and feels like a big girl, she does not like to have to pause and lie down to have her diaper changed. This is a somewhat new development – as a baby and younger toddler she would easily comply with a diaper change request. Now if you mention that it’s changing time, she’s down the hall faster than you can say “diaper” (or occasionally trying to “hide” behind the couch).
I thought it might be time to make a change to our routine to keep everyone happier and so was glad when I had the opportunity to try the Huggies Little Movers Slip-On Diaper Pants®. These diapers are different in that they come pre-fastened so all you have to do is slip them on your little one. My first thought was “okay, how will this work and will we end up with wet pants if I’m not adjusting them myself?” Fortunately the stretchy side tabs help provide a great fit. And the Huggies Leak Lock® Protection held true keeping her dry without any accidents.
Family Dollar Kidgets Wipes & Diapers
Like most baby showers, our showers when Bubbles was born presented us with a number of diapers. Most of them were for a specific national brand and they worked well, so we stuck with them. Along the way we did try a few other store brands but just didn’t get the performance from them that the other diaper brand provided. We also purchased the brand’s matching wipes as they had a gentle variety that I thought would benefit a tiny baby’s bottom.
Buying diapers and wipes month after month, however, can really add up and you start looking for ways to reduce those costs: coupons, buying in bulk, subscribe and save. One thing I didn’t look for, though, was another store brand to try. Recently, though, I discovered that our town has a Family Dollar which I hadn’t shopped in since I lived in Maine years ago. They have their own line of diapers – the Kidgets brand – and also just recently added wipes. At $6.50 for 31 diapers (size 4) and $2 for a 72-count package of wipes I thought it might be worth it to give them a try – especially considering we had recently been experience some leaking issues with Bubbles’ regular brand. Continue reading »