Feb 162014

This review was made possible by Double Duty Divas and Pampers. I was provided the featured product free of charge to facilitate my review, but all opinions are 100% mine.

The world is watching Sochi right now as athletes from around the world compete for personal pride and love of country.  We’ve tuned in with them; it’s hard to not be drawn to something so amazing.  Am I the only one that watches and wonders, “Man, if only I’d taken ski lessons”?

While my own personal Olympic dreams may have never been more than a wish in a review mirror, it’s exciting to think about what the future might have in store for Bubbles.  Right now she loves so many different things it’s impossible to guess what sports or activity she may eventually settle into.  She’s loved watching the Olympics with us, particularly the skiing and skating, and has made us chuckle as she jumps up and down cheering “Faster!  You can do it, go!”.

Team USA Member Noelle Pikus Pace (Event: Skeleton) #DDDivas #PampersTeamUSATeam USA Member David Wise (Event: Freestyle Skiing) #DDDivas #PampersTeamUSA
Pampers knows our littlest athletes have big dreams ahead of them, too.  So they’ve partnered with Team USA members Noelle Pikus Pace (who already snagged a silver in skeleton!) and David Wise (freestyle skiing).  They’re both parents and, like Pampers, are proven performers. Continue reading »