Jan 192014
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I am a member of the Collective Bias® Social Fabric® Community. This shop on game day snacks has been compensated as part of a social shopper amplification for Collective Bias and its advertiser.

It’s that time of year again!  Time for football which also means time for food.  Because really, as awesome as the games are, who wants to watch the pigskin fly around without some game day snacks?

The Big Game is still a few weeks away, but there have been plenty of playoff games each week leading up to it.  This has given us the opportunity to do some test drives, so to say, as to what combination of favorite game day recipes and quick snacks we’ll serve that day.  We’ve also come up with a few games and other fun activities for our guests.

Tyson Any'tizers Hot Wings and Tyson Crispy Chicken Strips #SuperMoments #ad #cbias

One thing I know we’ll be serving is wings because, well, we love wings.  Specifically we’ll be serving up the Tyson Any’tizers Hot Wings.  They’ve got a bit of heat without being too hot, there is just the right amount of sauce, and they taste really great.

Tyson and Kraft Game Day Snacks #SuperMoments #ad #cbias

For those that don’t prefer or don’t want the heat, we’re also serving Tyson Crispy Chicken Strips, something that’s almost always in our freezer.  Not only are they convenient and versatile, I recently found out that Bubbles loves them.  Loves them so much she asks for more chicken, and for a child who hasn’t shown any interest in meat since she was born, this says a lot about how good they are.

Serve Game Day Snacks with Kraft Ranch Dipping Sauces #SuperMoments #ad #cbias

Of course, good chicken can be made even better by some delicious dipping sauces.  Kraft actually has a new line of ranch dressings that I started noticing on my past couple of trips to the store.  They come in awesome-sounding varieties like Kraft Grey Poupon Dijon Ranch, Kraft Bulls Eye BBQ Ranch, Kraft Velveeta Cheesy Ranch, and many others, too.

Game Day Snacks: Tyson Any'tizers and Crispy Chicken Strips #SuperMoments #ad #cbias

Serve Game Day Snacks with Kraft Ranch Dressings and Dips #SuperMoments #ad #cbias

For a limited time at Walmart, participating Kraft Dipping Sauces will have a special bottleneck playbook hanging on them.  The Tyson chicken will also be on rollback for $5.98; with a low price like that, we’ll be trying the Popcorn Chicken and new Boneless Chicken Wingz.  Keep an eye on the endcaps in the freezer section to catch special messaging from Tyson and to find all your favorites in one place.

Sharing Game Day Snacks and #SuperMoments #ad #cbias

There is also a fun Super Moments website you can visit dedicated to helping you enjoy the Big Game this year.  There are recipe ideas, product suggestions, and – my favorite – some printable “penalty flags” you can use during your party.  If anyone is Holding Up the Food Line or creates a Party Foul you can flag ’em to let them know they need to get back on their game.

No Interfering with Game Day Snacks! #SuperMoments #ad #cbias

Those #SuperMoments inspired us to come up with some of our own.  I ran across penalty and challenge flags while shopping, so I picked up a couple.  Now if anyone participates in Illegal Dipping of Chicken or Interference of Deliciousness (snagging food of someone’s plate when they’re not looking), there will be no hiding it!

What are your favorite game day snacks and traditions?

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About Liza

Liza is a mom (5-year-old daughter, 20-year-old stepson, and 24-year-old stepdaughter) and wife living in Louisville. She loves spending time with her family, visiting the local zoo and parks, as well as planning travel adventures. Cooking and baking, DIY projects and crafts, and coffee - lots and lots of coffee - round out some of her other hobbies.

  29 Responses to “Ad: Celebrating Football Fun with Game Day Snacks”

  1. Yum, those look great! I put ranch dressing on just about everything, so I’ll definitely have to try these!

    • They have SO MANY new ranch flavors, Mindy. I couldn’t believe it, I never really thought about ranch like that before. The Bulls Eye one of my fave!

    • They have SO MANY new ranch flavors, Mindy. I couldn’t believe it, I never really thought about ranch like that before. The Bulls Eye one of my fave!

  2. ooooh I really want to try BBQ ranch!

  3. Popcorn chicken sounds amazing! I love the little dip picks you used!

  4. Our fave snacks on gameday are the usual. Pizza, nachos, chips, soda. I cannot wait!

  5. My husband makes the best buffalo wings for the game. I love having all sorts of finger foods on game day.

  6. Uh.. YUM!!! I think this deserves a Touchdown Dance!!! That cheesy ranch looks lethal, hahaha!!!

  7. I love your ideas! Some great ones for the big football game!

  8. I just had a football party over the weekend. Buffalo wings and queso dip were both a hit.

  9. COOL! I actually have the chicken products in my freezer. I am going to run up to the store and buy every one of these ranch dips! YUM!! Perfect for the BIG GAME coming up!

  10. Chili is a staple, and then some type of chips and dips. This will be added to that list!

  11. The Superbowl isn’t a big event in our household and I can’t say I’ve ever been invited out to a party before so I can’t really tell you if we have any favorite snacks of traditions. Lol

    But these snacks sound perfect for game day! Delicious and easy to eat ^.^

  12. Man, do I LOVE party food. My favorite is Buffalo Chicken Dip. Sooooo gooood!

  13. Sliders, chips and dip! But those hot wings look yum!

  14. Looks like it’s going to be a touchdown and score on the game day, lol. If that is how you say it…

  15. Holy cow!!! You could have a party just for all those sauces!!! My hubs will flip when he sees them.

  16. these sound great, I have never heard of these before. The possibilities are endless! Thank you for sharing!

  17. i want to try the dijon ranch!

  18. Chips and dips, hot wings, pizza, and lots of other finger foods. It’s fun to come up with game day ideas!

  19. Tyson just seems to have magical powers over kids. My 5 year old son will not eat any meat other than the Tyson Fun Nuggets. I’m just pleased he gets the protein! Looks like you’ve got a great game plan for game day. #client

  20. Love your football dipping sticks! So cute!! Perfect for party food! #client

  21. I love anything salty. But I think you’ve sold me on ranch!

  22. Wow! I had no idea that Kraft offered so many varieties of dip!! I’d try the BBQ Ranch first. 😀

  23. We always have plenty of easy fix finger food on hand for game day! That dip sounds delicious! I’ve never tried the bbq Ranch before, it’s on my list! #client

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