Nov 272016
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Christmas tree decorating traditions are some of my most favorite holiday traditions.  From hiking out with my Dad and brothers to cut the family Christmas tree to some of the new traditions I’ve adopted since marrying there are plenty of tree decorating memories to make me smile.

5 Christmas Tree Decorating Traditions that you can easily try with your own family.

In the past Bubbles has looked at the Christmas tree with awe and wanted to touch each ornament as it was hung.  This year she was even more excited to participate in decorating process.  Thank you to Hallmark for sending us new ornaments to compliment our Christmas tree decorating traditions.

Here are some of the Christmas tree decorating traditions I’ve enjoyed over the years.  I hope you find something new and fun to do with your own family!

5 Christmas Tree Decorating Traditions that you can easily try with your own family.

Christmas Tree Decorating Traditions

Trees for All –  Since I was very young I’ve had my own Christmas tree in my bedroom.  First it was a fresh tree that my Dad and I cut down together.  Then it was an artificial tree that traveled with me to college and beyond.  Now Bubbles has one in her room, too, and she loves laying in bed looking at it while she falls asleep.

Rockin’ Around the Christmas Tree –  A tradition my husband had was to decorate the tree while listening to Christmas music.  It’s one I happily adopted when we married.  These days we often choose to listen to Michael Bublé Christmas and Darius Rucker Home for the Holidays.

Embraced Imperfections –  Starting when I was a teen I had a very specific vision for my tree.  When you have kids, though, planned decorating schemes go right out the window.  You may have a few years of “heavy” spots mixed with bare patches or you may have to forgo white lights in favor of colored ones.  But the memories and excitement you create with them of spending the time together is well worth it.

Do Some DIY –  I love to add handmade items to the tree each year.  This year Bubbles and I made ornaments together and we had a lot of messy fun.  Bubbles has also meticulously made a number of glittery ornaments on her own and each one has been hung on the tree.  It really helps make the tree personalized and helps build excitement for the season.

Add Something Special – From the time I was born I have received a new Hallmark ornament each year.  My Gram started the tradition so that when the grandchildren moved out on our own we wouldn’t have a bare tree.  We’d pour through the Hallmark Dreambook and choose a special ornament that reflected our personality, hobbies, or favorite character.

"Dory" Finding Dory Hallmark Keepsake Ornament. 5 Christmas Tree Decorating Traditions that you can easily try with your own family.

When my Gram passed away my Mom picked up the tradition and now sends an ornament to both myself and Bubbles.  This year I selected the mitten cookie cutter ornament (the 5th in the series I’ve been collecting) and Bubbles chose the movie drink & popcorn ornaments (I think because she’s really enjoyed the movie theater this year).

Star Wars & Disney ornaments: Disney Frozen Anna and Elsa Build a Snowman Musical Ornament, Dory of Disney/Pixar Finding Dory Ornament With Sound, and Star Wars™: The Force Awakens™ Han Solo™ Ornament.

Hallmark also rocked our ornament world by sending us three ornaments: Disney Frozen Anna and Elsa Build a Snowman Musical Ornament, Dory of Disney/Pixar Finding Dory Ornament With Sound, and Star Wars™: The Force Awakens™ Han Solo™ Ornament.

Frozen has long been a favorite of Bubbles, and Finding Dory was one of our top movies this year.  And you can never go wrong with Star Wars!  So all of these were perfect for our family tree.

5 Christmas Tree Decorating Traditions that you can easily try with your own family.

What Christmas tree decorating traditions do you have?

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About Liza

Liza is a mom (5-year-old daughter, 20-year-old stepson, and 24-year-old stepdaughter) and wife living in Louisville. She loves spending time with her family, visiting the local zoo and parks, as well as planning travel adventures. Cooking and baking, DIY projects and crafts, and coffee - lots and lots of coffee - round out some of her other hobbies.

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