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Excited to partner with Walmart & SheSpeaks to bring you some fun ideas for spring gardening with kids!

It’s been chilly here the past few days, but it’s consistently getting warmer and more sunny every day.  Spring really wants to shine!

Spring Gardening with Kids: A DIY Upcycled Planter + Free Printable Plant Growth Tracker!

To get ready for spring we’ve been doing lots of spring cleaning, including getting the garage organized.  While he was moving things around my husband found some seeds we had left from last season.  Bubbles immediately declared that we needed to plant them.  The only problem with that was… we only had gardening soil, but no starters or planters.

Spring Gardening with Kids

I remembered the other day one of the bloggers I knew had shared on Facebook about using milk jugs as planters.  With as much milk as we go through in a week, we had plenty of those so we set out to upcycle a couple of them into planters.

DIY Upcycled Planters - great for gardening with kids!

Before cutting them open, I gave them a quick wash with Dawn Dishwashing Liquid.  You may be thinking “Wow, that’s a big bottle” but I recently stocked up on Dawn as part of the April Stock Up & Save event at Walmart.  Both the Dawn Original 75oz and the Dawn Ultra Apple Blossom Scent 75oz bottles are on sale right now (and my store even had extra coupons hanging around the bottlenecks).

Cut a clean, empty milk jug in half for an easy plant container, great for gardening with kids

After washing them out, we cut each gallon milk jug in half.  Bubbles used markers and stickers to decorate around the bottom half, and then we flipped the top half (with the spout) upside down and set it inside the base.

Gardening with kids - fill the milk jugs with dirt to plant seeds or starter plants

We filled the top half with gardening soil and then spread a few seeds in each container.  Bubbles chose lettuce for one, and carrots for the other.

Gardening with kids means getting dirty. Get clothes clean with Gain!

My husband stayed out to cut the grass while we brought our cute DIY vegetable planters inside.  Of course, when you’re gardening with kids, it’s going to get a little dirty!  So I had Bubbles peel off her dirty clothes and ran a couple loads of laundry with the Gain 100oz Original Liquid Laundry Detergent I had picked up on the Stock Up & Save event.

Bubbles checked to see if the seeds were sprouting about ten times in the first day.  It’s hard sometimes for younger kids to grasp the concept of time, so I made a plant growth tracker for Bubbles to keep track of when to expect to see the plants peek through.

Free Printable Plant Growth Tracker for Gardening with Kids

You can download and print the one I made.  Write the date you planted them in the first space, and then kids can ‘X’ off the spaces until they see them sprout.  They can continue to track the growth of the plants with notes or pictures in each square.

Gardening with kids? Let them decorate their own upcycled plant container

Be sure to visit stockupsave.com or your local Walmart and stock up on all your cleaning needs, spring or otherwise.  Before you do, make sure you download the ibotta app to your phone! Starting today there are extra savings on these products that you’ll want to score.

I’ve used ibotta for years and I love it. Use referral code dwxtvw and you’ll get a free $10 added to your account when you redeem your first rebate.

When gardening with kids, how do you keep it fun and interesting? Which items from the Stock Up & Save event will you be stocking?

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About Liza

Liza is a mom (5-year-old daughter, 20-year-old stepson, and 24-year-old stepdaughter) and wife living in Louisville. She loves spending time with her family, visiting the local zoo and parks, as well as planning travel adventures. Cooking and baking, DIY projects and crafts, and coffee - lots and lots of coffee - round out some of her other hobbies.

  4 Responses to “Spring Gardening with Kids Ideas: An Easy DIY + Printable Chart”

  1. Stopping by for Sits Girl. Love the up your led milk carton idea! My friend plants her seedlings right in newspaper that she fashioned into little cups for seedlings. Then you plant them right in your beds. Another idea for anothe time 😉

  2. Such a great idea using a milk carton! We go through so many of those each month. I could borrow this idea and use a couple to grow some flowers! Thanks for sharing at the Submarine Sunday Link Party!!!

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