I’ve mentioned that I really enjoy cleaning and organizing. So when spring cleaning time rolls around, I’m all in without much prodding. Especially if I have new organization supplies or cute rubber gloves to play with.
Not everyone gets quite as pumped at the thought of spring cleaning as I do, however. My friends have confirmed this for me by the rolling of their eyes when I talk excitedly about organized drawers.
Make Spring Cleaning Profitable
If you need a little more motivation to roll up your sleeves and dive in, I have a great one for you: money. Below are some places to look for items (and clean) that you might not have thought of, as well as the types of items to set aside. Thank you to Close5 for partnering with me to help share how to make money while spring cleaning!
Your Jewelry Box
Chances are, your jewelry box could use a good overhaul. Toss out anything that’s broken beyond repair, earrings that have lost their mate, etc. With a critical eye, decide what you haven’t worn in the last 6-12 months.
Things like a class ring that you may no longer want isn’t likely to find a home with anyone else through resale (and I promise that your kids do not want your old class ring), you should consider taking to a gold buyer for scrap gold. Everything else in good condition that you just don’t wear anymore, pull out and set aside.
Your Kids’ Rooms
If you have little ones that are hesitant to part with things, this might be a task best done while they’re out of the house. Anything broken or that’s missing pieces (puzzles, games, etc.) – toss.
Next decide what they’ve outgrown or just no longer play with. If it’s in pretty bad shape, stained, out dated, etc. consider pitching those items, too. Toys, games, puzzles and kids books with some love left to give you can give a wipe-down and set aside.
Your Bookshelves
This is a hard one for me. I love books. But really, what are the chances you’re going to reread all those books again? First sort through for ones that might be worth something to a collector. Or if you’re like me and still have all your anthologies from English lit classes, that a college student might love to have.
Check a book sale site like Half.com and see what’s in demand there. Go through what’s left, keep the ones that are important to you, and add the rest to the pile you’ve created from the previous two spots.
Be sure to hit all the usual suspects, too: closets (yours, kids, linen, guest room, etc.), the garage, basement, office. Wherever you’re spring cleaning, keep out an eye for things you no longer need or want.
When you have your items together, it’s time to download the Close5 app. It’s a buy and sell app that connects you to users in your own area.
There are lots of ways to sell locally, but Close5 has some advantages in my opinion. First, the communication all takes place right on the selling app so there’s not chance for miscommunication or forgetting what was agreed upon. Plus you don’t have to exchange emails or other personal information while in the process of negotiating.
So how to make money with Close5? First start with some of the most successful selling categories on Close5, like Home Goods, Baby & Kids, and Womens Fashion. For example, I uploaded photos of a stroller that was in the garage. It’s still in great shape, Bubbles just has outgrown it.
I have the Close5 buy and sell app for iPhone; you can also get the Close5 app for Android. And if anything doesn’t happen to sell, you could always donate it. That will make you money in a different way – next year on your taxes.
These are great idea. I usually donate most of my used clothing. While we may not be making money, I know that someone will be getting good use out of them and that makes me happy.
Donating is a great choice, too, definitely!
I really need to tackle decluttering. Books are hard for me to part with but our closets are full to the brim. Thanks for letting me know about the Close 5 app, I’ll have to check it out! Stopping by from SITS Blogging and hope you’ll linkup with us at Small Victories Sunday Linkup, open all week long!
Very Inspiring! I’m heading to the closet right now!

Found you on Inspire me Monday. Please check out my link as well.
Thanks Lyndsey! I hope you find lots of stuff to purge & sell!
I’m getting ready to move in a couple weeks, and while I’ve got folks lined up to buy some of the larger things I don’t want to move, I hadn’t even thought about selling some of the smaller clutter! So this is super helpful and right on time for me!
I’m glad the information was useful to you, Katey! And good luck on your move.
Great tips!
Thanks for joining Cooking and Crafting with J & J!
Thanks, Jess! I figure if you’re going to clean anyway, might as well make it even more worth your time, right?
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