Jan 062015
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This shop and my Disney Frozen potty chart have been compensated by Collective Bias, Inc. and its advertiser. All opinions are mine alone. #PUBigKid #CollectiveBias

Bubbles has been “in the process” of potty training for awhile now.  We’ve had a lot of success in certain areas; she’s been nighttime potty trained for probably a year and always goes potty first thing in the morning.  It’s the rest of the day where we have had a few challenges.

Potty Training with Elsa & Anna + a free printable Disney Frozen potty chart! #PUBigKid

The main challenge being that Bubbles doesn’t like to miss out on anything.  If we leave the room to go potty, we might miss the family of rabbits in the backyard or her favorite song might come on.  Or worse still in her mind, she’d have to miss a few minutes of playtime.  None of that is worth taking two minutes for a potty break.

Printable Disney Frozen Potty Chart

Potty Training Tips: Free Printable Disney Frozen Potty Chart with Elsa and Anna #PUBigKid

I decided, though, that the lure of Elsa and Anna might be just too hard to pass up so I created a Disney Frozen potty chart.  Each of the blue snowflakes earns a high-five and hugs plus the ability to play a quick reward game from the Pull-Ups® Time to Potty App on Mama’s phone.  When she reaches a pink snowflake she gets to go into the Frozen Treasure Chest and choose an item.

Potty Training with Elsa & Anna, a Printable Frozen Potty Chart, Frozen Treasure Chest & Pull-Ups® training pants #PUBigKid

One of her Christmas presents came in the box we now use as the Frozen Treasure Chest, but you could just as easily make one of your own with a shoebox or other small box.  Maybe wrap it in some blue or snowflake-printed paper, or even some Frozen wrapping paper.  The treasures inside were all collected from various after-Christmas clearance sales or from the “stash” that I keep in my closet.

Pull-Ups® training pants are easy to find at your local Kroger - they even label the section of the baby/kid aisle #PUBigKid

We also made the transition from diapers to “big girl” Pull-Ups® training pants.  This was initially a small point of contention with my husband, as his experience with training pants in general when Austin was young was not a positive one.  Once I showed him the Pull-Ups® I picked up at Kroger, though, he agreed.

Pull-Ups® training pants have fun Disney characters, like Minnie, Doc McStuffins, Ariel, Jake and the Neverland Pirates, and Lighting McQueen #PUBigKid

Unlike his past experiences, these training pants have easy-to-open sides for removing them (but not so easy-to-open that kids will accidentally unhook them when pulling up and down).  And they have fun Disney designs – like Ariel and Doc McStuffins for the girls, Jake and the Never Land Pirates and Lightning McQueen for boys.  There are also three sizes to help you find the best fit: 2T–3T (18- 34 lbs.); 3T–4T (32–40 lbs.) and 4T–5T (38+ lbs.).

The Pull-Ups® Time to Potty App has actually been really helpful, too.  You create a custom profile for your child (gender, age, wake & sleep times, etc.) and then you can set a timer.  It suggests 45 minutes but you can change it based on your own child’s needs and progress.  Plus if they are successful when it goes off, you get to play those games I mentioned above.

Pull-Ups® training pants have fun Disney characters, like Minnie, Doc McStuffins, Ariel, Jake and the Neverland Pirates, and Lighting McQueen #PUBigKid

This system seems to be working for us.  Bubbles loves stickers anyway, so between those, the app games, and feeling proud she seems more willing to take a potty break.  Fingers crossed that this will be the final step towards full success!

If you’re potty training or thinking of starting I’d love for you to try Pull-Ups® training pants, too.  Enter the giveaway below for a chance to win 1 of 5 $100 Kroger gift cards or 1 of 2 Potty Training Prize Packs (ERV $200 each).  Giveaway closed.

What tips for potty training success do you have?

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About Liza

Liza is a mom (5-year-old daughter, 20-year-old stepson, and 24-year-old stepdaughter) and wife living in Louisville. She loves spending time with her family, visiting the local zoo and parks, as well as planning travel adventures. Cooking and baking, DIY projects and crafts, and coffee - lots and lots of coffee - round out some of her other hobbies.

  70 Responses to “Free Printable Disney Frozen Potty Chart + Potty Training Tips”

  1. We waited until she had a desire to go to the bathroom on the potty to start.

  2. I set the alarm in the kitchen for 30-45 minutes and made sure to take the babies in then to go potty. Seems to have helped

  3. My best potty training tip is to have a good reward set in place as positive reinforcement!

  4. Consistency is my best tip, and to try to stay patient.

  5. My tip is to take your time. One step forward two steps back.

  6. Calmness – you must stay calm! Your stress is going to be felt by the kids!

  7. Make it fun!

  8. This is awesome. My best trick is definitely to be patient and have a reward system set up. This will help with your babies success!

  9. We used Pull-Ups® and a sticker reward chart. Though my chart wasn’t as fancy as yours! #client

  10. My best tip is always use encouragement when they do go to the bathroom.

  11. Be consistent and give rewards.

  12. My best tip is be consistent!!! PRAISE PRAISE PRAISE! If you are not consistent, they will slowly go backwards. Trust me, I know from experience!

  13. I haven’t done potty training yet, (it’ll be soon) but I heard that you have to wait until the kid understands when they are going in their diaper.

  14. Patience, lots of patience.

  15. We’re not quite there yet, so I’m just enjoying reading all of the tips I can get!

  16. Make it a huge deal! When you get excited about potty training, so will your kids!

  17. I don’t have any tips yet since we’re just getting ready to start potty training in the next couple months. These were helpful to read, though!

  18. My little guy isn’t due until June-I’m sure I will have some tips then!

  19. My best advice is simply to wait until your child is ready!

  20. For boys I have heard you can put cheerios in the toilet and have them aim for them to make it fun

  21. Offer a small reward such as a sticker anytime they go potty!

  22. We are just getting ready to potty train so I’m not sure what the best tip is, but I have heard that Cheerios are great for teaching boys to aim.

  23. My best tip is wait for readiness clues and don’t force it.

  24. Always take the kids to potty when they say they need to go even when you think or know they dont have to because if you dont they will think you dont want them to go in potty. Also be persistent with it.

  25. Lots of positive praise following successful bathroom trip.

  26. My best tip is to have patience!

  27. Rewards are encouraging.. Keep them encouraged.

  28. My best potty training tip is easy, be really encouraging, and if they have a accident, don’t get upset, it is all about support. I found that being cheerleader for my kids has worked.

  29. My best potty training tip is to not pressure your kids because they will get too nervous to do it.

  30. Cheerios as targets for boys.

  31. Let your child watch you use the bathroom. They learn by seeing you do things. If they see that Mommy is ok with sitting on the toilet, they will be ok with it too.

  32. I don’t have any tips, yet. The best thing I can come up with is patience…when they are ready, they are ready.

  33. HAVE PATIENCE! And make sure you pick a strategy that works best for your child and you. Not all kids learn the same way.

  34. Don’t give up!!!

  35. Wait until the kids are ready and show an interest. It makes it so much easier when they are ready!

  36. Make it fun! Add a song and clap and do hooray when they use the potty!

  37. Make sure you wait till they are ready physically and mentally to potty train.

  38. Consistency and LOTS of patience are the best things to have when potty training

  39. we are just starting, so I need the tips. Right now, we are just trying to be consistent.

  40. Be patient, always make a big deal when their finished, and give rewards :)

  41. My best potty training tip is make a chart and at the end of the week if they when to the potty consistently with few accidents, I let them pick out a prize from the prize chest. It worked for my kids.

  42. Be patient! And understand that not all kids are ready for it at the same time. (Boys usually take longer than girls to reach the mental maturity required for potty training, for example.) Also, remember that accidents will happen and not to humiliate your child when they do. He/she isn’t screwing up intentionally.

  43. What worked for me was to not make a big deal about it or rush it.

  44. We waited until each of our kids were ready and they potty trained with only 1 or 2 accidents.

  45. It was so long ago -I don’t remember much except just trying to be patient through it all.

  46. persistance and a reward system are key.

  47. My best potty training tip is to not rush it. If they are not ready its not going to happen.

  48. Each child has a different motivation for wanting to potty train, you just have to find what is important for your kid.

  49. Don’t go backwards, once you move to underwear do not go back to pull ups or diapers it will just confuse the child. They will have accidents, that is ok, that is how they learn.

  50. I used cheerios to help my boys aim in the toliet

  51. Routine and patience. Get them used to going straight to the bathroom when they wake up. After they eat, etc… Make it become a habit.

  52. patience and dont make a big deal about accidents!

  53. Not yet at the potty training stage so I need the tips!

  54. make it a fun experience for them , read them books about potty training and let them watch movies. Dont push, just be patient .

  55. my best tip is wait until your baby is ready otherwise you are just going to frustrate yourself and the baby. I waited until my daughter was about 16 months old but it only took 2 days and she was trained at that point.

  56. My best potty training tip is to make it fun for the kids. Don’t put too much pressure on them.

  57. The BEST tip I can give that helps work wonders is DO NOT put them in a diaper during the day..My son gets used to it & just goes..He knows when he needs to pee(poop is a little harder) but won’t alert me to take him to the potty if he’s wearing a diaper..Most of the time he’ll tell if he’s in underwear…

  58. I always liked to start potty training in the warmer months, less clothing and fuss.

  59. My best potty training tip would be never to rush your child. With my 2 daughters, I started to train them early but I realized that if it’s not yet time, they couldn’t be forced to learn how to potty.

  60. I haven’t had the joy yet!

  61. Haven’t yet potty-trained my oldest, so I don’t have any tips.

  62. don’t stress about it, it will happen!

  63. It will happen when they are ready :)

  64. Any suggestions for a child of a single parent whose school cant\ won’t take her every 44 minutes and whose “Father” continues to do things his way and not wait until she is ready. I keep telling him that she is going to be harder to train but since he has her every other weekend, he knows best. With working full time and no other help, I just don’t have time to potty train a toddler that isn’t ready.

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