Dec 052013
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I received a Nenuco doll and cradle set in order to facilitate my review. No additional compensation was received; all thoughts and words are my own.

Bubbles has been a fan of dolls since she started playing with toys.  Before that, actually.  I received a soft-body baby doll as a shower gift and I would tuck it next to Bubbles when she was in her electric swing.  Sometimes she wouldn’t even settle in without it.

Last year for Christmas Bubbles received a stroller for her dolls and that completely excited her.  She’d load up a purse with a toy bottle and diaper and take her baby for “walks” around the house.  It was fun to see her play Mommy and learn about taking care of someone or something.

Nenuco Doll and Sleep With me Cradle Set

She was doing such a good job with the stroller and her improvised diaper bag that I thought maybe she would like a new way to take care of her babies.  Then I ran across the Nenuco Sleep With Me Cradle set.  We already were enjoying other products by the manufacturer, Famosa, so I thought we would probably enjoy this, also.

Nenuco Doll and Cradle Set

The set comes with a Nenuco doll, a cradle, and accessories.  The doll herself is really cute, with bright blue eyes that close when you lay the baby down, and open when you pick her up.  That feature alone has entranced Bubbles and my husband and I hear many times throughout the day “Shhh, stop talking.  My baby is sleeping.”  She also smells sweet, kind of like baby powder.

Nenuco Doll and Cradle - Comes with Bottle and Pacifier

She also has a small opening in her mouth to allow the included bottle or pacifier to be inserted.  Bubbles had just recently given up her own binky, so initially I was a little worried that it would be a temptation.  But it ended up being  a good way for us to reinforce that binkys are for little girls and that big girls like herself didn’t need them anymore.

Nenuco Doll and Sleep With Me Cradle

The cradle itself has lots of great design features.  First, it’s convertible: use it as a stand-alone cradle for daytime play, or attach the rods that are included and it will attach to a bed so that your kiddo can watch over their baby at night, too.  Bubbles is a little young for that part, but we have sat the cradle next to her bed a couple of times so she could keep an eye on her.

Nenuco Doll & Cradle with Lots of Extra Features

The cradle also has a few other features.  There is a bottle holder and binky slot so that you can keep baby’s must-haves nearby.  And the star on the back of the cradle lights up, changes colors, and plays a little lullaby.

Nenuco Doll and Sleep With Me Cradle

The accessories are rounded out with a blanket and pillow for the baby’s cradle.  You really do get everything your little one needs to take care of their baby!  You can pick one up from Toys R Us or other retailers.

One winner will receive their own Nenuco Doll and Sleep With Me Cradle set.  Giveaway closed – congrats Julia C!

Whom would you buy a Nenuco Doll and Sleep With Me Cradle for?

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About Liza

Liza is a mom (5-year-old daughter, 20-year-old stepson, and 24-year-old stepdaughter) and wife living in Louisville. She loves spending time with her family, visiting the local zoo and parks, as well as planning travel adventures. Cooking and baking, DIY projects and crafts, and coffee - lots and lots of coffee - round out some of her other hobbies.

  23 Responses to “Little Ones Can Play Mommy with a Nenuco Sleep With Me Doll and Cradle”

  1. I would give it to my granddaughter who just turned 9 in Oct.

  2. I would love to give this to my daughter!

  3. I would give this to my neighbors who have twin 3 year old girls who LOVE playing with dolls!

  4. I would love to give this to my 3 year old Maybelle! She would love this!

  5. I would give this to my best friends daughter.

  6. I would like to give it to my daughter, Leah.

  7. My daughter would love this!!!!

  8. I would give this doll to my two year old granddaughter Calliope.

  9. I would give this to my cousin. :)

  10. My 2 year old daughter would love this! Her favorite toys are her baby dolls :-)

  11. To my 3 1/2 year old granddaughter

  12. I would give this to my granddaughter

  13. I would give it to my daughter or niece.

  14. I would love to give this to my daughter!

  15. Would love that for my daughter.

  16. I would give this doll and cradle set to my sweet granddaughter.

  17. I’d give it to my girlfriend who signed up for Toys for Tots

  18. If I won, this would be for our granddaughter.

  19. I would give this to my niece for christmas!

  20. I’d give to my great niece if I won

  21. I’d like to win this for my 5 yoa niece. Thanks.

  22. My niece!

  23. I would give this to my daughter. She would LOVE it!

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