Apr 182013
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TollyTots' Fashion Dolls From Disney's "Oz the Great and Powerful"

As a Disney-loving family we enjoy pretty much anything related to the parks or the movies.  And when those items are produced by companies we truly enjoy it makes them that much more special.  So we were excited to recently receive one of the new Oz the Great and Powerful fashion dolls from TollyTots.

Bubbles is a bit young for the movie but that didn’t stop her from trying to confiscate Theodora the moment that she arrived.  She kept asking me to open the box but I still wasn’t sure if she would be her toy or if Theodora might look better on Mommy’s desk for a bit of a work distraction.  In the end, I think I’ll be picking up a China Doll for Bubbles and Theodora will, in fact, hang out in my office.

TollyTots' Fashion Dolls From Disney's "Oz the Great and Powerful"

Theodora and China Doll are just two of five dolls in the Oz the Great and Powerful collection.  The full group includes:

  • Oz may appear to be simply a small-time circus magician with dubious ethics in his signature suit and travel bag, but could he be the great wizard that everyone in this magical land is expecting?  His sweet and loyal new friend, China Girl, believes he can be!
  • Evanora may appear to be a lovely and kind ruler, but she has evil in her heart.  Her glistening gown is a gorgeous shade of green, but still has a dark cast, just like the wicked witch that she is.  Her emerald amulet and feather headpiece complete her signature look.
  • Theodora is bright and beautiful in her travel ensemble, complete with her fabulous floppy hat and ruby ring to conjure up her special power.  She appears so lovely and innocent to the fate that awaits her.
  • Glinda, the gorgeous heroine, is the picture of goodness and grace in her beautiful gold and white satin gown and sparkling tiara. She carries her magical wand, the source of her special power.
  • China Girl may appear to be fragile with her look of chipped porcelain, but she proves to be a courageous heroine. Her signature dress is sweet and dainty.  She is the perfect kind and gentle friend to take everywhere with you, just how she is a loyal friend to Oz.

I love that the dolls were created to look just like the characters (and therefore actresses and actors) that portrayed them in the movie.  And the attention to detail that was paid by TollyTots is amazing.  Every hair and eyelash is in place and the texture of the clothes makes you think they used the Wizard’s magic to shrink them down, they’re so exact.

Tollytots would like to bring a little of Oz’s magic directly to you by giving one lucky winner their choice of one of the five Oz dolls shown above.  I think you’ll find these dolls not only to be wonderful toys but also beautiful collector’s items.  Giveaway closed.  Congrats, Paula!

Which TollyTots’ Oz doll do you like best?

I received a doll in order to facilitate my review. All opinions, as always, are 100% that of myself and my family.

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About Liza

Liza is a mom (5-year-old daughter, 20-year-old stepson, and 24-year-old stepdaughter) and wife living in Louisville. She loves spending time with her family, visiting the local zoo and parks, as well as planning travel adventures. Cooking and baking, DIY projects and crafts, and coffee - lots and lots of coffee - round out some of her other hobbies.

  63 Responses to “Disney’s “Oz the Great and Powerful” Dolls From TollyTots”

  1. I love Glinda!

  2. I like the Glinda doll.

  3. I like OZ

  4. My favorite is Glinda!

  5. My favorite is Oz

  6. I like Evanora…I know she’s supposed to be evil but that green dress is amazing :)

  7. Oz is my favorite!!

  8. China Doll

  9. I’d choose Oz!


  10. I like the Glinda doll.

  11. My favorite is China Doll

  12. cHINA gIRL

  13. <3 Oz is my fav~!

  14. Glinda doll is nice


  16. I like OZ

  17. Glinda!

  18. I Love them All

  19. I love love love Theodora and Glinda

  20. My favorite is OZ!

  21. China Doll is my fav…..I loved the movie!!

  22. I love Theodora.She’s a real little beauty.I have an aunt called Theo and grandma called Dora so it’s fitting.

  23. i am really liking rhe glinda as my favorite


  25. I like the Glinda doll :)

  26. I love Evanora!

  27. We love the Glinda doll

  28. I like Theodora!

  29. I like the China Girl doll

  30. i like Glinda

  31. […] on: 05/02/2013 Open to: United States, Canada Enter this Giveaway at Views From the ‘Ville Share this: Pin […]

  32. Glinda is my favorite.

  33. my favorite is Glinda

  34. Glinda is my fave

  35. China doll, she’s cute !

  36. […] Fire Prize Pack from @SarahLaddAuthor Ends 4/30 Mother’s Day Giveaway Event Ends 4/30/2013 US Disney Oz Doll Giveaway – US/Can 5/2 Superior Source Vitamin Gift Pack giveaway – 3 winners, US only, ends 5/3 Your Choice Kindle […]


  38. I like the Glinda doll best

  39. I am taking a liking to Evanora, not sure what it is-maybe the bit about the “evil” is what drew me to her.

  40. I really like Glinda

  41. My fave is Glinda

  42. […] Fire Prize Pack from @SarahLaddAuthor Ends 4/30 Mother’s Day Giveaway Event Ends 4/30/2013 US Disney Oz Doll Giveaway – US/Can 5/2 Superior Source Vitamin Gift Pack giveaway – 3 winners, US only, ends 5/3 Mother’s Day […]

  43. Evanora is my favorite!

  44. I like the Glinda doll.

  45. Glinda is my favorite!

  46. Glinda

  47. my favorite is oz

  48. My favorite is Glinda

  49. The Wizard

  50. Oz is my favorite.

  51. I like OZ the best.

  52. I like Evanora!

  53. Theodora is my favorite!

  54. I love Glinda.

  55. Glinda is my favorite! then China

  56. Glinda

  57. Glenda

  58. Glinda is my favorite character

  59. Glinda!

  60. I love Glinda

  61. My favorite is Theodora!

  62. […] is more for adults than kids, but there are plenty of kid-friendly tie-ins for the movie, like the Oz Fashion Dolls.  And don’t forget to check out my post with Oz Party Ideas – I think an “Over […]

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