Dec 202011
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2011 Holiday Gift Guide – Suggestions For Teens/Him/Her
(Be sure to check out all the other great Gift Guide items and giveaways here.)
We enjoy most of those singing shows that are on TV – you know, the ones that pluck people out of relative obscurity and give them a chance to be a star?  A1 even considered trying out for one when they came to town a few years ago (she should have; that girl can sing).  So when we had the chance to try out the new Sing4: The Hits Edition, I knew it was going to be a winner.
Sing4 is unique in the fact that it’s the first singing game with high-precision lyrics that can tell the difference between actually singing and just humming.  It also comes with 40 songs from artists like Train, the B52s, Lady Gaga, Carrie Underwood, Michael Bublé, Queen and many others.  You can also download additional tracks to give you even more to choose from.  The game has four modes: Solo, Duet (sing together, each taking a different part; highest score wins), Battle (up to four compete by singing the same piece, highest score wins), and Co-op (combined score; everyone sings the parts they’re best at).
The words come up on the screen, just like karaoke.  And once A2 pointed out to us that the next line of lyrics was on the screen in the line under the current lyrics, we were all much more successful.  The bars that are superimposed on the video (see below) let you know if the notes will be high/low or go up/down and also give you a sense for how long the sound should be held.  You’ll also get instant feedback – like “Perfect!” and “Try Harder!”.
We’ve had a lot of fun with this game.  There is a good mix of songs, so everyone is able to find something they like or at least remotely know the words to.  I am glad, too, that there are more songs available via download (I hope they add more soon, too).  Everyone took a turn – some braver (younger) folks took a few.  Even Baby C. was doing her little “dance” while everyone sang.  There was a lots of friendly competition; I have to be honest and say A1 and A2 kicked our butts.  Still, it’s nice to be able to find a game the whole family can play together.
Sing4 is also sponsoring a contest right now.  You could win $10,000 just by singing one of four songs and uploading your video.  Videos must be uploaded by January 31st, 2012; visit their YouTube page for more info.
Where to Buy:
Sing4: The Hits Edition retails for $39.99; Amazon also has it with free shipping.
Want to Win?
One winner will receive a copy of the game plus the microphone.  To enter, fill out the Rafflecopter below!

a Rafflecopter giveaway

I received a product in order to facilitate my review.  No other compensation was received and all opinions are 100% mine and my family’s.

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About Liza

Liza is a mom (5-year-old daughter, 20-year-old stepson, and 24-year-old stepdaughter) and wife living in Louisville. She loves spending time with her family, visiting the local zoo and parks, as well as planning travel adventures. Cooking and baking, DIY projects and crafts, and coffee - lots and lots of coffee - round out some of her other hobbies.

  20 Responses to “2011 Holiday Gift Guide: Sing4 The Hits Edition (With Microphone!) for the Wii – Review & Giveaway (US; ends 12/26)”

  1. Somebody to Love by Queen

  2. Comotose – Skillet, I love that song:-D

  3. I'm not sure what my favorite song is to sing to i love so many different songs. I guess my daughters and i love to sing the sexy and i know it song by lmfao

  4. Whipping Post – The Allman Brothers

  5. My favorite song is by Metallica-"Fade To Black" Love to sing that song, but love to sing all songs!Thanks for the giveaway and Happy Holidays!!

  6. Karmin- "Crash Your Party"

  7. Bohemian Rhapsody by Queen
    Jennifer Rote
    wildnmild4u (at) yahoo (dot) com

  8. I love singing along to a lot of Lady Gaga songs!

  9. My favorite song to sing along to is "How Do You Like Me Now" by Toby Keith

    Name: Sarah Walker



  10. You really don't want to hear me sing. LOL. 😛

  11. Too many to list! Madonna's "Material Girl" is always fun.

  12. walking in a winter wonderland!

  13. Baby Got Back, it "cracks" me up, what can I say?!

  14. So many songs I love to sing along with! but none I'd really want anyone else to hear!

  15. No special song as long as it's a Grateful Dead song.

  16. This would be awesome to have.. Good luck to all who enter..

  17. Any that I know the words to..LOL

  18. I can't think of what song is my favorite to sing to. I like singing a lot of songs. Evenescance songs are always fun.

  19. i wanna know what love is

  20. Mine is Sitting On The Dock Of The Bay.

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