Apr 202015

These tips for reducing food waste are sponsored by Eden. All thoughts are my own.

With Earth Day right around the corner, lots of people are starting to think of ways they can be a little easier on the planet.  I’m not the most “green” person on the planet, but having grown up in a farming family I definitely do what I can for conservation efforts.  And for me, part of  those conservation efforts start in my own kitchen with reducing food waste.

7 Tips for Reducing Food Waste

In the US, we throw away a surprising 40% of the food we grow.  Having emptied out a few (dozen) packages of produce that’s gone by before it could be used I know it’s an easy problem to have.  So here are a few tips to help your family with reducing food waste. Continue reading »

Mar 182015

Thank you to My Body Village for sponsoring this post on healthy habits. Making it fun keeps the kiddos engaged!

It’s hard to tell in some parts of the country – you know, the ones that just got an extra foot or so of snow in the last week or two – but spring is starting to bloom around us.  A lot of people use the onset of warmer weather as a way to renew the resolutions that have waned since the New Year.

Weekly healthy habits challenges from My Body Village - This week's challenge is to play a board game!

If your family could use a little nudge to get on track with their own healthy habits, My Body Village has some fun weekly challenges to help you out.  Each week focuses on a different organ and a way to help make it healthy or exercise it.  For example, this week’s challenge is from Raymond Brain, and he wants you to play a family board game. Continue reading »

Mar 112015

You may be wondering why I would be sharing a story about sleep after a baby.  Bubbles just turned four a couple of weeks ago, so she’s clearly not a baby anymore.  But I am just now finally finding ways to get back to a regular sleep schedule.

I’ve shared a number of times over the years that Bubbles was a night owl.  For quite awhile if I could get her down to sleep before 2 a.m., it was a good night.  Her pediatrician wasn’t worried as she was getting solid sleep, sleeping the amount of hours she should, etc. – she was just doing them really late at night.  She said she’d eventually grow out of it.

How to get back to sleep after having a baby #StressLess2BmyBest

And she did – like three months ago.  She’s still a night owl, but her schedule no longer involves her falling asleep and waking up on the same calendar day.  But now there’s another problem: my sleep schedule. Continue reading »

Feb 162015

So, you may have noticed that it’s been a little quiet around here the last week or two.  Well, that’s because I’ve been kind of sick.  Started in my head, then my throat joined the party, and finally my lungs were feeling left out so they decided to show up, too.

It’s not a good sign when you cough hard enough that your kiddo covers their ears and complains about the noise.

5 Tips to Stay Healthy During Cold and Flu Season

I’m starting to feel a little better now, thankfully.  I’d like to avoid a repeat of the past few weeks, though, so I’m adding a few things to my routine in an effort to stay well.  Here are a few tips that might help you, too. Continue reading »

Jan 132015

This BelVita Bites & V8 shop has been compensated by Collective Bias, Inc. and its advertiser. All opinions are mine alone. #NewBreakfastRoutine #CollectiveBias

When I started blogging full time, I realized that I was going to need to schedule my day a little differently, even though I had been working from home for a few years.  I started getting up early in the morning before everyone else to get some quiet writing done and check a few other tasks off my to-do list.  As I no longer had conference calls to worry about, that left my afternoons and evenings a little more flexible for family time.

Create an easy morning routine with BelVita Bites and V8 Veggie Blends #NewBreakfastRoutine

Part of my morning routine has always been some form of V8.  While I am a coffee drinker I don’t like to run the machine until everyone (including Bubbles, who sleeps in) has gotten up.  A V8 beverage always gave me the morning pick-me-up that I needed, plus was an easy way to add in extra veggies to my diet. Continue reading »