Aug 212015
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I really love to watch Bubbles build.  It’s interesting to me how much pure creativity she has without any outside guidance.  One minute she’s building a city for her My Little Ponies, the next it’s a castle for her Disney princesses, and after that she’s building the tallest tower she can.

Enhance STEM skills through fun play with the magnetic construction kits from Build & Imagine. This one is Malia's Beach House.

Recently I was asked if we would like to receive one of the Build & Imagine construction sets to review.  Once I took a look at them I knew that Bubbles would love them.  So I showed her the different sets available and she chose Malia’s Beach House.

The building panels of the Build & Imagine play sets are magnetic, allowing you to create free form 3-D designs

I cannot even begin to tell you how much this set has been played with.  The kit includes two dolls, best friends Malia & Skyler, plus 16 dual-sided building panels and over 40 magnetic accessories.  The edges of each panel are magnetic as well as some of the surfaces (marked with a star).

The building panels of the Build & Imagine play sets are magnetic, allowing you to create free form 3-D designs

The thing I find most cool about this set is how many different way you can assemble the panels.  Rooftop pool?  Sure, why not.  Need to open a side wall to access hang the clothes up in the closet?  No problem.  You can even make the entire thing open on both sides like a storybook if you want.

Build & Imagine magnetic panels can build straight up, extend out, or create box shapes - great STEM activity!

In addition to Malia’s Beach House there is also a Marine Rescue Center and a Day at the Beach set.  You can also purchase all three sets as part of the Coastal Community Collection.  The other two sets are absolutely on our wishlist for Christmas now so that Bubbles can expand her city and her fun.

Build & Imagine magnetic panels can build straight up, extend out, or create box shapes - great STEM activity!

I absolutely think your kiddos will love these Build & Imagine sets.  This is something I can honestly see her getting years of play from, especially since the pieces are solid and magnetic, with no snaps or anything to break off.

Check out the Build & Imagine play set in action above!

Which Build & Imagine set would your child like?

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About Liza

Liza is a mom (5-year-old daughter, 20-year-old stepson, and 24-year-old stepdaughter) and wife living in Louisville. She loves spending time with her family, visiting the local zoo and parks, as well as planning travel adventures. Cooking and baking, DIY projects and crafts, and coffee - lots and lots of coffee - round out some of her other hobbies.

  2 Responses to “Expand Foundational STEM Skills with Fun Build & Imagine Sets”

  1. Thank you so much for this lovely review!

  2. […] & Imagine Building Sets – I have worked with Build & Imagine for years now and we absolutely love their products. We’re not the only ones, apparently, as […]

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