Jan 162014
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I received a copy of the Tickety Toc DVD in order to facilitate my review. All words and thoughts are my own.

We love watching Tickety Toc on Nick Jr.  It’s such an unique, fun show, one that we enjoy watching right along with Bubbles.  She especially loves to watch while playing with her Tickety Toc toys.  So when we were offered the opportunity to check out the newest Tickety Toc DVD, The Unstoppable, Unpoppable Bubble, it was a no-brainer.

Tickety Toc DVD The Unstoppable, Unpoppable Bubble

In Bubble Time brother and sister duo Tommy and Tallulah test out McCoggins’ new bubble formula.  The formula creates an unpoppable bubble that soon encompasses the whole town.  It’s up to Hopperoo to figure the problem out in order to get everyone released for chime time.

Another episode, Help a Friend Time, Tommy and Tallulah decide to be “helpers”.  While their hearts are in the right place, they inadvertently upset all their friends – especially Pufferty when they throw away his favorite red ball.  The twins have to set things right before the clock collapses due to their actions!

With a run time of 64 minutes, the full episode list includes:

  • Bubble Time
  • Help a Friend Time
  • Fruity Pudding Time
  • Bell Time
  • Balloon Time
  • Stickety Time

Tickety Toc: The Unstoppable, Unpoppable Bubble comes with a fun bonus, too.  Inside the case is a book with 12 mini posters, each with their own set of watercolor paints on the page.  Just use a small brush or cotton swab to paint in each one.

Tickety Toc DVD: The Unstoppable, Unpoppable Bubble

If you purchase an 8-ounce package of Cedar’s All natural Hoomus, 18-ounce package of Cedar’s Taboule Salad, or 30-ounce package of Cedar’s Spinach Dip, you can tear off the coloring Tickety Toc DVD artwork label and receive an instant $2 discount for The Unstoppable, Unpoppable Bubble or Chime Time Adventures Tickety Toc DVDs.  And inside The Unstoppable, Unpoppable Bubble DVD is a coupon for a free Cedar’s All Natural Snack Pack.

I have a copy of the Tickety Toc DVD to give away, as well.  Giveaway closed – congrats Kathie C!

Whom will you watch the Tickety Toc DVD with?

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About Liza

Liza is a mom (5-year-old daughter, 20-year-old stepson, and 24-year-old stepdaughter) and wife living in Louisville. She loves spending time with her family, visiting the local zoo and parks, as well as planning travel adventures. Cooking and baking, DIY projects and crafts, and coffee - lots and lots of coffee - round out some of her other hobbies.

  12 Responses to “Tickety Toc DVD: The Unstoppable, Unpoppable Bubble”

  1. I would be watching this with my beautiful niece. Thanks

  2. I will watch this with my 2 daughters ages 2 and 5. :)

  3. I will watch this DVD with my little grandson who is a fan of Tickety Toc!

  4. I would watch this DVD with my daughter! She has never seen it before, but I think she would really like it!

  5. My nieces and nephews!!

  6. My kids – they love playing with their Tickety Toc toys!

  7. with my 2 grand children

  8. I will watch this with my 3 yo son – he will love it!

  9. I would watch this DVD with my daughter.

  10. I would watch this with my nephews

  11. I would watch with my niece!

  12. I will watch with my grandson, Nolan.

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