Aug 072013
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Thank you to The Beatrix Girls for sending Lark to live with us. All words and opinions are my own.

Earlier this week I mentioned that I had the opportunity to attend Sweet Suite while in Chicago.  There were tons of great toy companies, some well-known that have been around for years and others that are just being introduced for the first time.  One of the new companies – a company that I expect you’ll be hearing a lot of in the next few months – was the PopStar Club.

The Beatrix Girls Dolls - Lark & Brayden

PopStar Club is the maker of a new line of collectible 12″ pop star dolls called The Beatrix Girls.  The girls – Lark, Ainsley, Brayden, and Chantal – are all members of the same band.  What sets them apart from other similarly-themed dolls is that these gals create actual music that your kids can download.  Each band member also has a full background story.  You can visit the Beatrix Girls website and find out their favorite foods, colors, where they’re each from, and more.

The Beatrix Girls Dolls - Ainsley & Chantal

While the back story bit is a little outside of Bubbles’ interest level at the moment, I knew everything else about the dolls would appeal to her.  At two and a half, she’s already declared her first career: to be a rockstar.  She actually has a little guitar that’s her size and she runs and gets it any time we’re listening to music or if we stumble across a music video on TV.  It absolutely cracks me up because she intuitively learned a power stance and bobs back and forth, playing her little heart out while singing along.  She has also been known to collect her piano and drums and have both Daddy or Mama and one of the Beatrix Girls join her band.

My personal favorite feature of the dolls, however, is the attention to detail each doll has been paid.  They have big, beautiful eyes and quite honestly they have the coolest hair of any doll I’ve ever seen.  Brayden’s hair, in particular, is lush and purple and just awesome.  Even Bubbles said how pretty their hair is and keeps asking to brush it for them.  If you follow me on Instagram you have already seen just how well-done the Beatrix Girls are.

The Beatrix Girls Dolls - Brayden

The dolls aren’t available in stores just yet – but that doesn’t mean you can’t have one!  One lucky reader is going to be able to choose their favorite Beatrix Girl and have it delivered directly to them.  Giveaway closed – congrats Carolyn C.!

Which of the Beatrix Girls dolls is your favorite?

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About Liza

Liza is a mom (5-year-old daughter, 20-year-old stepson, and 24-year-old stepdaughter) and wife living in Louisville. She loves spending time with her family, visiting the local zoo and parks, as well as planning travel adventures. Cooking and baking, DIY projects and crafts, and coffee - lots and lots of coffee - round out some of her other hobbies.

  53 Responses to “Now Introducing… The Beatrix Girls!”

  1. I like Brayden.

  2. Chantal is my favorite. They’re all very cute though.

  3. I like Ainsley

  4. I like Lark, shes cute.


  6. I think my granddaughter would like Lark best.

  7. I really like them all but I think Lark is my favorite.

  8. Lark is my favorite. :)

  9. I’m thinking Brayden

  10. They are all cute but my favorite is Lark.

  11. I like Ainsley of the Beatrix Dolls she is a drummer and half – she likes to say ” Oh my, this all too too!”

    My favorite things include
    Truffles, Lollypops, Parasols and Go carts

    My youngest granddaughter wants to be a drummer and she is a blonde and I think she would love these..

  12. i like Ainsley

  13. Brayden is my favorite doll :)

  14. Lark is my favorite, I love the pretty red hair.

  15. My favorite doll is Lark, I like her long red hair.

  16. Brayden is my favourite

  17. Chantal looks like a fun doll!

  18. I think that Lark is my favorite 😀

  19. […] on: 08/21/2013 Open to: Canada, United States Enter this Giveaway at Views From the ‘Ville Share this: Pin […]

  20. Lark is my favorite because she has red hair!

  21. My favorite is Chantal.

  22. lark is the favorite

  23. I love them all but I like Brayden the best

  24. I’d pick Brayden as my favourite.

  25. I like Lark the best :)

  26. I like Brayden. All are so cute.

  27. Chantal is my fav.

  28. I like Ainsley, my cousin named her baby that name.

  29. Lark.

  30. Brayden all the way!

  31. I like Lark.

  32. I like the drummer Ainsley

    Ladyblueeyez1960 (at)(aol)(dot)(com)

  33. My favorite doll is Brayden, I love her hair and her outfit!.

  34. I like lark

  35. Chantal

  36. Brayden

  37. CHANTAL – for my daughter.

  38. My daughter would love Ainsley!

  39. Love them all but would choose Chantal

  40. Ainsley

  41. Brayden is my favorite!

  42. My daughters would love Brayden :)

  43. I like Brayden. I like how she has purple hair! Hopefully my daughter won’t want to dye her hair purple though lol.

  44. Id pick Ainsley because my granddaughters are blonde and they always pick the blonde.

  45. brayden

  46. Lark _ I always choose the ginger if there is one!

  47. I think my grandaughter would love brayden

  48. I think Brayden is my favorite

  49. I like Brayden :)

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