Feb 172012
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Thank you to Build a Dream for providing us with a car from their collection of cardboard playhouses.  All opinions are my own.

Inspiring imagination in Baby C. is something that, as a parent, I am very committed to.  While I love technology and fully embrace it, I do realize that it’s very easy for kids to just be focused on that aspect of play and miss opportunities to be creative in an un-plugged way.  I don’t see many young kids outside poking at puddles with sticks these days, you know?

So I love the products from Build a Dream Playhouse; they do double-duty in the creativity department!

Build a Dream Playhouses was founded by a Cleveland father dedicated tothe futures of the City of Cleveland, the State of Ohio, and the imaginations of children. Reflecting on his city’s hard times, he collaborated with the world famous Nottingham-Spirk Design Associates, a group of 3 to 9 year old children, and the Smurfit Stone Container Corporation.  What they came up with is what they believe to be the most innovative, fresh, and fun playhouses on the market.

I think most of us remember having fun with a plain old cardboard box.  You may have cut out doors and windows to make a house, climbed inside for a “ride”, stacked them together as a fort, or come up with any number of other uses.  Build a Dream Playhouses builds on that idea and has created out of cardboard playhouses, castles, kitchens, rocket ships, lemonade stands, and other items.

The corrugated cardboard is both safe for kids and durable, which means their products will stand up to many rounds of saving the princess from the castle or practice sessions from budding chefs.  The other part I love – and this is where I feel they double up on the creativity – is that the kids do all the design work themselves.  They can color, paint, sticker, glue – whatever customizations they want to make it 100% their own.

We received the Dream Machine, with which Baby C. has been very interested in playing.  She especially loves to push it around.  She’ll look over with this big grin on her face, like she feels like a big girl.  My husband offered to color it with (for) her, but we’re waiting until her birthday party so that everyone can help.  (These would be great for any birthday party: kids get a “craft” then some motion play, your child gets a fun keepsake memory of all their friends and family on their special day.)

Another great feature?  They take just moments to “construct”.  Anyone that has ever tried to assemble something with an excited child trying to wait patiently will appreciate that facet.  In general, we’re so smitten with these that my husband thinks we should order the kitchen for her in another few months, and I completely agree.

Where to Buy

You can purchase the Dream Machine for $39.95 – plus many other items – direct from BuildaDreamPlayhouses.com

Want to Win?

Giveaway closed

I received a product in order to facilitate my review. No other compensation was received and all opinions are 100% mine and my family’s.

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About Liza

Liza is a mom (5-year-old daughter, 20-year-old stepson, and 24-year-old stepdaughter) and wife living in Louisville. She loves spending time with her family, visiting the local zoo and parks, as well as planning travel adventures. Cooking and baking, DIY projects and crafts, and coffee - lots and lots of coffee - round out some of her other hobbies.

  10 Responses to “Loop the Moon – Or Just the Block – With Build a Dream Cardboard Playhouses”

  1. I like the Pop n' Play kitchen
    alsmalu at hotmail.com

  2. I'd love the snack shack or the pop n play kitchen.

  3. the pop n play castle!

  4. I like the snack shack!

  5. I would love the pop n play castle

  6. I love the Pop N Play Castle!
    tvpg at aol dot com

  7. Love them all but the Pop N Play kitchen is sooo cute!

  8. Pop N Play Kitchen (after the cruisor
    Gladys P
    sps1113 at yahoo dot com

  9. I also like the Pop N' Play Castle!

  10. I love the Snack Shack

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