Nov 052014
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This Big Hero 6 shop has been compensated by #CollectiveBias, Inc. and its advertiser. All opinions are mine alone.

You’ve heard me mention Disney Big Hero 6 a few times around here.  As huge Disney fans, we’re really excited to see how the Marvel comics of the same name come to life on the big screen.  So excited, that we’re headed to the theaters tonight to check it out!

DIY Big Hero 6 Baymax Bookmark

Bubbles has watched the commercials and the trailers, and she’s already a fan of Baymax.  There’s really only so much you can pick up from a short clip, though, and I wanted her to have a better idea of the story.  So I stopped by Walmart to see if they had any of the Big Hero 6 books in stock yet.

Choosing Big Hero 6 books at Walmart

Fortunately they had a few different ones to choose from, so Bubbles and I picked a couple up.  Once we got home she was anxious to sit down and read them right away.  We read them through together first, then she curled up in my chair and read them to herself.

We love the Big Hero 6 books available at Walmart

DIY Big Hero 6 Baymax Bookmark

While she was reading, I got to thinking about Baymax. He’s a big, bouncy white robot with little black eyes and I started to picture those eyes peeking out of the books Bubbles was reading. It’s a simple idea, but from there my DIY Big Hero 6 Baymax bookmark was born!

DIY Big Hero 6 Baymax Bookmark Supplies

The supplies you need for this DIY project are minimal; in fact, you may even already have them all at home if you happen to do crafts now and then.  You’ll need the following:

Black embroidery floss
White card stock
Hole Punch
Baymax Bookmark Template

Yup, that’s really all you need.

First, print out the Baymax bookmark template on the white card stock and cut it out.  Punch a hole in the top center where you’ll add your tassel at the end.

To make the tassels, I’ll share a little tip.  Leave the wrappers on the ends of one little skein, and unwrap the other one.  Use a pencil or your finger to widen the loop a bit on either end, which will collect all the threads together.

Tie off the ends of your embroidery floss skein

Cut a length of floss from the open skein and use it to tie off one end of the wrapped skein, securing the loop.  Then wrap the floss around a few times before tying it off a second time.  Repeat the process on the other end.

After creating loops and tying off the ends, cut the skein in half and trim the ends.

Once your ends are secured, cut the skein in half right through the middle. This will give you the base for two tassels. Fold down the ends of the floss that you used to tie off the loop and trim them even with the bottom of your tassel.

From there, just slip another length of floss through the loop and tie the ends together. Trim down and then slide the “knot” inside the loop to hide it. Slip the floss through the hole in your bookmark and drop the tassel through, securing the tassel to the bookmark.

Big Hero 6 Books + DIY Baymax Bookmark are the perfect pairing!

I really think they turned out pretty cute, and Bubbles got a kick out of it.  If you have some Big Hero 6 fans in your life, make a couple of Baymax bookmarks for them and tuck them into some Big Hero 6 books.  Or if you’re planning a Big Hero 6 birthday party, don’t you think they’d make really cute favors?

Keep an eye out for other #BigHero6 gear at Walmart, too, like toys and accessories.  And check back in a few days – I’ll be sure to let you know what we thought of Baymax, Hiro and the rest of the crew.

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About Liza

Liza is a mom (5-year-old daughter, 20-year-old stepson, and 24-year-old stepdaughter) and wife living in Louisville. She loves spending time with her family, visiting the local zoo and parks, as well as planning travel adventures. Cooking and baking, DIY projects and crafts, and coffee - lots and lots of coffee - round out some of her other hobbies.

  5 Responses to “DIY Big Hero 6 Baymax Bookmark Tutorial + Free Printable Template”

  1. This bookmark is SO, SO cute! My eldest is a bookworm like his mama and I think this is a great, simple little craft for me to make for him. You’re totally right about it being the perfect birthday favor too. I LOVE IT! I can’t wait for Big Hero 6 to hit theaters! #client

  2. I love that! So simple, but what a neat idea. I am sure it would be a hit with all the readers in my family….

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