I participated in this program on behalf of Champions for Kids and The Motherhood. All opinions are my own.
If you’ve been reading my blog for awhile you’ve heard me mention Champions for Kids and their SIMPLE giving projects. I’ve participated in a number of their projects in the past, from collecting school supplies, to donating books, to collecting and donating oral care supplies. It’s fun to take Bubbles with me to pick out items and then relay the concept of giving to her as we do.
Champions for Kids has recently partnered with Colgate to kick off another SIMPLE giving project. Oral care is such an important thing, and most oral care issues are preventable with the correct regimen. And because the donations collected through SIMPLE giving projects are distributed in your local community, you know the help you’re providing may be going to help the family right down the street.
Participating is really easy, too. From now until April 7th you’ll find purple bins placed in your local Walmart. Purchase oral care supplies like toothpaste and toothbrushes (and even hand soap – you want to brush with clean hands!) and drop them in the bins. Colgate will be donating $100,000 worth of oral care products, too!
Champions for Kids will provide $10,000 to four school districts who collect the most donations from a single store in each Walmart division. Additionally, Champions for Kids will award $1,000 to ten school districts that collect the most donations from a single Walmart store in each region and $1,000 to four school districts that collect the most donations from a single Walmart Neighborhood Market store in each division. This money can go to providing additional oral care treatment, education, and items in the school district. For a full list of participating stores, school districts, Walmart Divisions/Regions, and official rules, check out: http://www.championsforkids.org/simplegiving
Champions for Kids Twitter Party
On April 2nd there will be a Twitter party to spread the word about the Colgate SIMPLE giving project. We’ll be talking about how you can participate and more specifics on the program.
When: Wednesday, April 2, at 1p ET / 12p CT / 10a PT
Where: Follow the #SIMPLEGiving hashtag on Twitter. You can see the details and RSVP via this Twtvite: http://www.twtvite.com/championsforkids
Hashtag: #SIMPLEGiving
Prizes: Five prizes will be given to randomly selected participants who answer the trivia questions correctly. Each prize includes a $50 Walmart gift card.
Hosts: @theMotherhood, @theMotherhood25, @CooperMunroe, @EmilyMcKhann
Sponsor: @Champions4Kids
Bonnie, ChilL Mama – @ChilLMama
Christine, From Dates to Diapers – @YoungMommy
Danielle, We Have It All – @We_HaveItAll
Dwan, MommaDJane – @MommaDJane
Esther, Laugh With Us Blog – @LaughWithUsBlog
Heather, Living on Love and Cents – @loveandcents
Jennifer, Jenn’s RAQ – @JennsRAQ
Kathy, A Mom’s Impression – @amomsimpression
Kelly, Kansas City Mamas – @KCMamaKelly
Kristy, Mommy Hates Cooking – @Momhatescooking
Liza, Views from the Ville – @LMC502
Mel, Mama Buzz – @MamaBuzz
Mellisa, Mom Luck – @funsavingmoney
Rachel, Yellow Tennessee – @YellowTennessee
Rachel, Following In My Shoes – @Rachel_L
Sara, Sensibly Sara – @SensiblySara
Stephanie, And Twins Make 5! – @andtwinsmake5
Tiany, Social Savvy Mom – @socialsavvymom
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