Dec 302012
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If you’re looking for an easy treat to make for the kiddos (and big kiddos) for your New Year’s Eve celebration then I think you’ll love this.  These little s’mores kits are fast and easy to put together and are really quite adorable.  Make up a bunch, hand them out, and when they’re ready to eat them an adult can pop them into the microwave for a few seconds.

New Year's Eve DIY S'mores Kits

DIY New Year’s Eve S’Mores

2 pkgs (9 per pack) snowman-shaped Peeps
3 pkgs (6 bars each) mini Hershey bars
1 box graham crackers
Treat bags with ties or food-safe plastic baggies

Place two graham crackers inside a treat bag, resting them against the back of the bag.  In front of the crackers place one snowman-shaped marshmallow on the left and one mini chocolate bar on the right.  Tie the bags closed and you’re done!

These can be customized for any holiday or special occasion.  I had wanted to make some for Christmas with the reindeer Peeps I bought but I ran out of time.  They have tons of shapes now or you could make homemade marshmallows and use cookie cutters to get the perfect shape for your event.

 New Year's Eve DIY S'Mores Kits

For which other event would you make s’mores kits?

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About Liza

Liza is a mom (5-year-old daughter, 20-year-old stepson, and 24-year-old stepdaughter) and wife living in Louisville. She loves spending time with her family, visiting the local zoo and parks, as well as planning travel adventures. Cooking and baking, DIY projects and crafts, and coffee - lots and lots of coffee - round out some of her other hobbies.

  18 Responses to “DIY S’Mores Kits For New Year’s Eve”

  1. They’d be fun for Easter with regular peeps.

  2. […] Do hourly treat bags to help kids count down the time.  Include some of these DIY S’mores Kits. […]

  3. What a cute idea!! I am going to a New Years Even party tonight and I think this would be very cute to bring!

    • Hope you had fun at your party Amanda! I love that they’re so easy to make. If you get invited somewhere at the last minute they can throw together in less than 10 minutes!

  4. These are so cute! I think they would be great to try and make for a 4th of July Party.

  5. Yum I love Smores, but never thought of using peeps. Have you seen the chocolate covered ones? Wonder if they would work?

    • I did see the chocolate covered trees this season, yes! I wondered that, myself. I might have to run up to the store today and see if they still have some left on Christmas clearance and give them a try!

  6. what a fun idea for kids at new years.

  7. I think they would be great for a playdate!

  8. Such a neat idea, great for the kiddos, thanks for sharing!

  9. I never would have thought to make s’mores from Peeps! What a neat idea! Now I need warm weather so we can give it a try.

  10. I’d never thought of using Peeps in place of marshmallows! What a great idea for a sledding/skating party!

  11. Very cute, and with all the different Peeps available you could do this for every holiday!

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  13. […] Peep S’Mores – Views From The […]

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