Jun 292012
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I really enjoy crafting and DIY, especially when it centers around holidays.  Now that Bubbles is on a better napping schedule, I sometimes find myself with 30 or so minutes in the afternoon where I can work on some of the projects I’ve had in mind for awhile.  The Fourth of July is less than a week away now, and it happens to rank right up there as one of my favorite holidays, so I decided to make a little something to decorate with.

I had a new set of Elmer’s Paint Markers that I wanted to test out and came up with the idea for a Fourth of July-themed serving dish.  It’s a really easy project and can be as rustic or as finished as you’d like it to be.

DIY Fourth of July Serving Plate


  • Elmer’s Painters Markers
  • Glass plate or dish
  • Printed flag template (optional)

Fourth of July Crafts & DIY

Fourth of July Crafts & DIY

To start, decide what image you’d like to paint on your plate.  I searched for “printable flags” and found a couple I thought would work.  You could certainly do fireworks or anything else you like.  Alternately if you’re artsy you could just freehand the design, too.

Fourth of July Crafts & DIY

First I centered my design and then taped it to the back of the plate.

I decided to start with the blue paint so that I wouldn’t be dragging my hand through the red and white strips.  Even though I let each color dry thoroughly between application I didn’t want to risk the smudge.

Fourth of July Crafts & DIY

Fourth of July Crafts & DIY

I outlined the area and around each star before I filled in with the blue.

Fourth of July Crafts & DIY

After it was dry, I moved onto the red.  Again, I outlined each stripe, and then filled them in.  When the red was dry, I finished with the white.  Outlined and filled in the stripes, and then filled in the stars.  The stars were a little tricky; in the end I just drew the star shape over the empty space.  They’re not perfect, but then again, neither is the design.  We’ll pretend rustic was what I was going for.

Fourth of July Crafts & DIY

There is a little bubbling in the glass at the top of the plate that I didn’t notice when I bought it, but it’s really only noticeable when caught in a flash like that.  Lying on the table you really can’t see it.  Next time, though, I’ll be sure to check the glass a little more closely.

Do you have any favorite Fourth of July crafts or DIY projects?  Feel free to leave a link in the comments so we can check them out!

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About Liza

Liza is a mom (5-year-old daughter, 20-year-old stepson, and 24-year-old stepdaughter) and wife living in Louisville. She loves spending time with her family, visiting the local zoo and parks, as well as planning travel adventures. Cooking and baking, DIY projects and crafts, and coffee - lots and lots of coffee - round out some of her other hobbies.

  11 Responses to “Easy DIY Fourth Of July Plate Craft”

  1. I am a craft newbie, so I’m probably SUPER behind, but I’ve never seen paint pens before.

    They super fun like coloring for adults! :)

    And the end product is beautiful!

  2. I love the idea and it is so simple! This would be a great way for the kids to make something special!

  3. What a great idea! So simple and SO pretty!


  5. […] Views From The Ville shares a tutorial for a DIY July 4th […]

  6. im going to ave to tellmy firend about this she doing hodiay craft for xmas andthat woudl be great gift for mom and who else in the hosue

  7. What a great idea! Never would have thought of it! Thanks!

  8. […] 4th of July Holiday? MEEEE…and most likely you too! Check out this fun and easy idea from Views from The Ville blog! Get the directions and more photos by heading -> -> […]

  9. […] was excited to learn that for every bag of red, white & blue candy mix sold at Walmart (in addition to the M&M’s® you can also pick up Skittles®) […]

  10. […] Bohemian Dress and Ribbon Wands 4th of July T-shirt idea  Red, White and Blue Quilt Easy DIY Fourth of July Decoration Red, White and Blue Ice Cream Sandwiches  American Flag Rice Krispies July 4th Fruit Wands […]

  11. […] Easy DIY 4th of July Plate by Views From the Ville […]

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