May 032015

This techie mom has been compensated in the form of a Best Buy Gift Card and/or received the product/service at a reduced price or for free. All drooling over the bag is my own.

While I don’t consider myself a real fashionista (maybe when my days include less crawling under bushes for lost golf balls or baseballs and more afternoon massages?) I’ve always had a soft spot in my heart for shoes and bags (well, and earrings).  And while my bags (and shoes) are more function than flair these days, I do like them to be at least somewhat stylish.

Function & Fashion for the Techie Mom - Modal Concept Tote Bag

As a blogger and all-around techie mom, when I leave the house my devices usually leave with me.  My phone and a car charger are the bare minimum and depending on where I’m headed I may even have my laptop with me.  But I still need space for juice boxes, coloring books, and fruit snacks, too. Continue reading »