My search for affordable family mobile unlimited plans has been compensated as part of a social shopper insights study for Collective Bias and their client.
I’ve always been, as they say, a “talker”. There is a picture of me in fuzzy pink footed pajamas, sitting sideways in a rocking chair with my feet up on one arm; the cord of the phone is stretched from the wall to my little hand, and I’m twirling a strand of hair. I tried to find it to share with you but it may still be in the boxes of photos that my Mom has for me.
I’m not sure whom at the age of 4 I needed to talk to – and so casually – but that clearly was just the beginning bloom to my gift of gab. As I got older I remember quite a few marathon phone sessions with friends. Back then texting didn’t exist, so you couldn’t just send three or four words back and forth electronically. You had to stay on the line to complete a conversation.

While I may not spend quite as many minutes (hours) on the phone now as I did then, I do rack up my share of minutes each month. With my parents living in Maine, not only do I like to check in on them regularly, they also like to talk to Bubbles on the phone quite often, also. I had always felt like we had a fairly decent cell phone plan – until last summer, that is. We finally took the plunge and upgraded to smartphones with data plans. I knew our bill would increase but I didn’t realize by just how much. Continue reading »