Jun 262012

Backyard Staycation: Luau

Summer is here and that means a lot of families will be taking vacations.  Many of the folks I’ve talked to, though, have said they’re likely doing close-to-home roadtrips or staycations this year due to the economy.  I thought I would share with you all some ideas for vacationing close to home.

This week’s ideas will be as close to home as you can get – your own backyard!  You could also have them in your family room if the weather doesn’t cooperate or if you don’t have a backyard (or if you’re not a fan of bugs!).

Today’s idea is for a Backyard Hawaiian Trip and Luau! Continue reading »

May 302012

Affordable Family Fun: Family Appreciation Night

I really enjoy reading Formula Mom’s blog.  Mariah always has great crafts, fun giveaways, and yummy-looking recipes.  A couple of weeks ago she wrote about having a family appreciation night as a fun, affordable family activity.

Mariah suggested giving each family member a jar or cup, and then passing out slips of paper.  Each person would write two or three compliments for each person and drop them in that family member’s cup.  Then they would take turns reading aloud the compliments they had received.

I totally see that as something we’ll be doing in the future.  I think it would be fun to make it a monthly thing.  Instead of cups and paper slips, though, I will probably cut out a rectangle per person of kraft paper.  Prior to dinner I would place the pieces on the table next to their plates, and then everyone could come in and write or draw their compliments for each person.  I’d pick them up before we ate, and then after dessert I’d pass them back out and everyone could take turns reading theirs (a good reminder of what we like about each other in case any squabbles came up during dinner!).

I’d reuse the rectangles at each family appreciate night until both the front and back side of each was full.  Then I would cover them with contact paper and use them as placemats.  This way we’d continually be reminded of the compliments we received and how much we love each other!

Do you have any special, affordable ways that you like to celebrate your family and show appreciation for one another?