May 222014
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I am a Superior Source Brand Ambassador. I have received compensation and products, but all words and opinions are my own.

It’s finally starting to feel like summer is coming with plans to stay. This means more opportunities to be outside enjoying the beautiful weather! These easy tips will have your skin and nails summer ready in no time.

How to Get Summer Ready Skin and Nails


Consider exfoliating a primer for your canvas. You want to gently buff off all the old, tired skin from the winter and let the new, youthful skin shine through. Your body can stand up to a fairly good scrubbing with an exfoliating cleanser and brush or scrubbing mitts. For your face, choose something more gentle and use your hands or a silicone exfoliater specifically for that purpose.


Once you’ve revealed that beautiful glow, keep it going by nourishing your skin and nails. There are lots of foods that can boost the health of your skin, like dairy, eggs, berries and healthy fats. I also take supplements, like biotin and B-vitamins. As anyone that’s taken a prenatal vitamin can tell you, the right boosters for your system can make a huge different in the strength and health of your skin and nails (and hair, too!).


Water is the easiest and cheapest way to maintain your body.  If you feel thirsty, you’re already dehydrated.  Keep a glass or bottle of water handy at all times and drink up! Hydrated, plumped-up skin will make you glow.


Skin damage from the sun happens faster than you might realize, and not just on sunny days.  I received one of the worst sunburns of my life on a gloomy, overcast day when I was working outside.  Be sure to use sunscreen every day – even if you’re just driving in the car!  Products that multitask, like foundation with SPF can really help, too.


Put the finishing touches on your summer ready skin and nails with a few final touches.  A little self tanner gives you a pretty glow and you can add a dusting of shimmery bronzer for accent.  Then choose a nail polish that compliments your skin tone and give yourself a simple mani-pedi.

To help you with the nourish part, I have a set of Superior Source vitamins and supplements to give away to two winners.  Each winner will receive B-12 1000 mcg, Just Women – Iron, Vitamin D 1000 IU, Vitamin C Sour Cherry Melts, Children’s B Complex with Vitamin C, and Biotin 5000 mcg. You should also check out the Superior Source Facebook page for special offers, like free Vitamin B-12 or Vitamin D (just pay $3.95 S&H), or a B1G1F offer for Vitamin C.

Summer Ready Skin & Nails - Nourish with Superior Source Vitamins and Supplements

Giveaway closed.

What tips for summer ready skin and nails do you have?

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About Liza

Liza is a mom (5-year-old daughter, 20-year-old stepson, and 24-year-old stepdaughter) and wife living in Louisville. She loves spending time with her family, visiting the local zoo and parks, as well as planning travel adventures. Cooking and baking, DIY projects and crafts, and coffee - lots and lots of coffee - round out some of her other hobbies.

  5 Responses to “How to Get Summer Ready Skin and Nails”

  1. I hydrate the hell out of myself; enough water to keep my hair and nails growing. Also take a multitude of daily vitamins to make sure I am covered on that end as well.

  2. Eating healthy and drinking lots of water for great skin!

  3. I take vitamin e and use shea butter on my hands.

  4. Use lots of lotion! Stay moisturized!

  5. Lots of sunscreen and drink plenty of water. :)

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