Dec 162013
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I received a Wahl Massager product for the purpose of this review. This post was made possible by Mom Spark Media. Thoughts are my own.

Hubby has had issues with his knees for years.  He had Osgood-Schlatter (pain, swelling and tenderness just below the knee) when he was a kid, which commonly affects pre-teen or teen boys going through growth spurts.  I don’t think it helped much, either, that he was a seriously rough-and-tumble kid that spent a lot of time racing bikes and seeing how high he could fly off jumps.

But he is not alone in having muscle or joint pain.  In fact according to research conducted by Harris on behalf of Wahl, 85% of Americans are experiencing routine aches and pains.  The number one area complained about is the back, followed by neck and shoulders, and then joints.

Wahl Hot Cold Massager

I know I fall into a couple of those categories, myself.  I remember teasing my friend Em who complained about back pain after the birth of her children, but now after having given birth, myself, I’m not teasing any more.  My back often aches when I get up in the morning and doesn’t feel too hot after spending the day bent over at her level to talk and play, either.

Wahl Hot Cold Massager

For a few days now, we’ve been using the Wahl Hot Cold Massager to help relieve some of those everyday muscle aches.  It came with a Hot/Cold Hand Held Massager and four massage attachments: Smooth, Kneading, Raised Bump, and Ripple Wave.  With all the massage discs plus a choice between heat or cold, you’ll find the perfect combination for whatever your pain is.

I like that it’s hand held, as this lets you direct the massage exactly where you need it most.  I’ve particularly enjoyed the kneading massage attachment for my lower back.  The device provides cooling relief down to 48 degrees and warming relief up to 130 degrees.  I’m the kind of person who never can get the water in the shower hot enough so for me, it wasn’t quite as warm as I expected, but it still felt good.

Wahl Hot Cold Massager

The Hot/Cold Therapy products would make a great gift for anyone on your list, and not just those you’re aware have joint pain.  Temperature therapy massage has many other benefits, including improved circulation, decreased swelling, and can help with high blood pressure, reducing anxiety, and promoting relaxation.  And best of all, they’re budget-friendly with prices ranging from $19.99 to $59.99.

To whom would you give a Wahl Hot Cold Massager?

I received a Wahl Massager product for the purpose of this review. This post was made possible by Mom Spark Media. Thoughts are my own.

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About Liza

Liza is a mom (5-year-old daughter, 20-year-old stepson, and 24-year-old stepdaughter) and wife living in Louisville. She loves spending time with her family, visiting the local zoo and parks, as well as planning travel adventures. Cooking and baking, DIY projects and crafts, and coffee - lots and lots of coffee - round out some of her other hobbies.

  27 Responses to “Give the Gift of Pain Relief with Wahl Hot Cold Massagers”

  1. I would love to try one of these for myself. I have terrible circulation, I wonder if this would help me.

  2. Honestly I would give one of these to myself! I’ve been having so many neck aches lately, I need to get a massage!

  3. My back is killing me after shoveling snow. I bet this would be amazing.

  4. My Gram could use this! She’s always in pain. :(

  5. This is a great gift to give to older parents!

  6. I would gift myself! Neck pains be gone! :)

  7. I actually have this one and I love it! It helps so much when my leg start aching with the cold weather.

  8. I would give myself one. lol. Or my hubby. I could really use one of those. Thanks for the info.

  9. I’ve been looking at these and SO want one!!

  10. Thank you for sharing this – it’s something my Dad would really get a lot of use from.

  11. My husband would love this! He’s been dealing with neck pain from from injuries when he was younger.

  12. This is great. My Husband has knee problems and would absolutely love one of these.

  13. I would definitely love to give this to my husband! And then he could use it to give me a massage. Lol

  14. So cool. I would love to try this. My arms have been hurting me lately and I bet this would do the trick.

  15. My Mom would really appreciate something like this as a gift.

  16. I need this for my neck! Thanks so much!

  17. We have one of these massagers and they are great for backaches,

  18. I hope that Santa brings me one of these!

  19. Shoot, I want that for me. I go through phases (usually from stress) where my back muscles ache from being tensed.

  20. I def need to try on of these. I work outside and my muscles pay for it.

  21. That seems like heaven. I think hubby and I would fight over it.

  22. I would totally give it to my husband. He works so hard and I am sure he would love this.

  23. Definitely my husband. Poor man has a sore back most days after work

  24. I have terrible back pain! I need to try this!!! It’s all about pain management at this point!

  25. I would give this to my Dad. He has a lot of aches and pains in the cold winter months.

  26. I would give this beautiful machine to myself! Having suffered from Chronic Lyme, 2 different types of Arthritis, Fibro and many other things for nearly 10 years now, this would be more than a welcome relief to the everyday pain I experience!

  27. […] Pain Relief with Wahl Hot Cold Massagers | Views from the Ville […]

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