Oct 282013
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There are a lot of new PBS KIDS shows and specials to tell you about. They kick off today with the Curious George: A Halloween Boo Fest and other PBS KIDS Halloween programming, and continue through the end of the year. Read on to find out what your favorite PBS KIDS shows have in store for you this fall.


New Episodes PBS KIDS Shows Include Arthur - The "Show Off" Episode - On November 11th

I’m a long-time Arthur fan from when my brothers (and I) watched it as kids.  So I was excited to learn that all-new episodes will begin on November 11th.  The first new show in the lineup is titled “Show Off” and Alan Cummings will make a special guest-voice appearance.


New PBS KIDS Shows Episodes - Including Martha Speaks "My Mother the Dog" Start on November 11th

In addition to new episodes – like “My Mother the Dog” – Martha Speaks will also have a collection of new online activities available from the PBS KIDS website.  “Martha’s True Stories” introduces kids ages 4-7 to the world of nonfiction through interactive books where they can read along with Martha as they learn vocabulary skills.  Bubbles loves anything related to dogs, so this is something we’ll be checking out for sure.


Curious George: A Halloween Boo Fest on PBS KIDS

The first-ever Curious George Halloween special – Curious George: A Halloween Boo Fest – airs today!  In this one-hour special George will unravel the eerie mystery of No Noggin, a ghost that appears in the countryside each Halloween, intent on kicking the hats clean off the heads of trick-or-treaters.  But will George’s quest for the perfect costume interfere with his quest for the truth?


"The Cat in the Hat Knows a Lot About Christmas" on PBS KIDS Starting November 27th.

Everyone’s favorite cat is back for a Christmas special!  The Cat in the Hat Knows a Lot About Christmas will air on November 27th, and then again with repeat showings on November 28, 29, 30 and December 1, 13, and 24.  Join Cat, Nick and Sally as they journey around the world to help a lost reindeer find his way home.


Arthur's Perfect Christmas on PBS KIDS

A number of other PBS KIDS shows will air holiday shows during Holiday Week, which runs December 9-13.  You’ll be able to tune in and see the specials Arthur’s Perfect Christmas and Curious George: A Very Monkey Christmas, plus other themed episodes from other favorite shows like Super Why!, Wild Kratts, Thomas & Friends, and more.

Which of these PBS KIDS shows are your kids most looking forward to?

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About Liza

Liza is a mom (5-year-old daughter, 20-year-old stepson, and 24-year-old stepdaughter) and wife living in Louisville. She loves spending time with her family, visiting the local zoo and parks, as well as planning travel adventures. Cooking and baking, DIY projects and crafts, and coffee - lots and lots of coffee - round out some of her other hobbies.

  2 Responses to “Lots of New PBS KIDS Shows and Specials”

  1. This is great info! We love PBS! My son’s favorite is “Wild Kratts,” but he’s a little bummed because they haven’t had a new one in awhile. :/

    • There are some new Wild Kratts coming for Christmas, I think, Gena! We love that show, too. It’s good for days that it’s too cold or rainy to go to the zoo :)

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