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Our List Of Christmas Books For Toddlers

Bubbles has been a lot of fun this year with all things Christmas, and it’s not even December yet!  I can’t wait to see what she thinks of snow, a live Santa Claus,  gifts under the tree, and many other things.  One thing she is already loving, though, is sitting with Mama or Daddy and reading Christmas stories.  I thought I’d share some of our favorite Christmas books for toddlers.  Some are new, some are classic, but all are fun!

Elmo’s Delicious Christmas

Sesame Street's Elmo Christmas Book for kids

Baby’s First Christmas

Baby's 1st Christmas picture book

What Is Christmas?

Christian Christmas book for kids

Snow Shakers Santa

Action & motion Christmas books for kids

Clifford’s First Christmas

Clifford the Big Red Dog Christmas book for kids

The Polar Express

Christmas books for kids

‘Twas The Night Before Christmas

Classic Christmas books for kids

How The Grinch Stole Christmas

Dr. Seuss' How The Grinch Stole Christmas - Christmas books for kids

The Berenstain Bears Meet Santa Bear

The Berenstain Bears Christmas book for kids

Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer

A Little Golden Book - Christmas books for kids

And if you’re looking for a fun new tradition to start with your family, consider wrapping each of your Christmas books individually.  Each day let the kids choose another book to unwrap and read it together.  It adds an extra element of fun and excitement to your daily story time!

What are your favorite books to read with the kids during the Christmas season?

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About Liza

Liza is a mom (5-year-old daughter, 20-year-old stepson, and 24-year-old stepdaughter) and wife living in Louisville. She loves spending time with her family, visiting the local zoo and parks, as well as planning travel adventures. Cooking and baking, DIY projects and crafts, and coffee - lots and lots of coffee - round out some of her other hobbies.

  9 Responses to “10 Christmas Books For Toddlers”

  1. We have already read The Grinch Stole Christmas about 5 times this WEEK! haha I now think I can recite it word for word. I need to pick up some of these other books to rad to them for sure. Great list!

  2. Remember reading some of these to my little ones. thanks for the memories

    • I know what you mean! Reading ‘Twas The Night Before Christmas to Bubbles reminds me of the wonderful memories I have of my Dad reading that story to my brothers and I every year.

  3. We have all of these except for the first three. Toddlers at Christmas are the best, don’t you think?

    • They really ARE the best! It’s been so cute watching her learn to say Santa, get excited over the tree and decorations, and want to snuggle and read a book every night. The first book I listed – Elmo’s Delicious Christmas – is definitely worth picking up. Bubbles LOVES it!

  4. I got my daughter the Christmas version of “If You Give A Mouse A Cookie.” I’m super excited because we love Laura’s series!

  5. […] love reading Christmas books and are always looking for new ones to add to our collection.  The Sparkle Box by Jill Hardie is a […]

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