Oct 112014

Now that Bubbles is older, I feel confident in taking her to see movies at the theater.  She loves the experience of the big chairs and the big screen, and even if she doesn’t always catch every joke or nuance, she likes laughing along with everyone else.  And if she also gets to order some popcorn, she’s in seventh heaven.

The Cooper Family Surviving Another Day inin Alexander and the Terrible Horrible, No Good, #VeryBadDay

When I received the invite for us to attend a screening this past week for Alexander and the Terrible Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Day I suspected that it would be a good choice for the whole family.  It is, after all, based on the children’s book of the same title.  Alexander and the Terrible Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Day was a book I remember enjoying as a kid, and so I was interested to see how it would translate to the big screen. Continue reading »