Dec 182013
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I participated in a campaign on behalf of Mom Central Consulting for Sturm Foods, Inc. I received a promotional item and product samples to create my hot chocolate bar as a thank you for participating.

One of the things I look forward to most with cold weather is the chance to drink hot chocolate and other coffee drinks.  Granted I do indulge in these other times of year, too.  But there’s just something about wrapping your hands around a warm mug on a cold day.

I like to serve hot drinks to our guests during the holidays, too.  We have planned guests, but we get a lot of drop-in family members that visit.  So this year I decided to set up a permanent hot chocolate bar so we would always be ready to entertain.

Hot Chocolate Bar

How to Create a Hot Chocolate Bar #MC

Fortunately with single-serve coffee machines creating something like this is easy.  Just pick a spot and set up your machine, then surround it with lots of Caza Trail coffees and Grove Square hot chocolate and cappuccinos.  Then add in your favorite mix-ins, toppings, and a few treats and you’ll have a beautiful hot chocolate bar.

How to Create a Hot Chocolate Bar #MC

I filled a few mason jars full of chocolate kisses, which can make hot chocolate even richer or turn a plain brewed cup of coffee into a mocha treat.  I also set out a jar of wrapped peppermints for those that like their holiday drinks a little minty.  For toppings, I chose a shaker of cinnamon, some mini-marshmallows, and whipped cream.

Create a Hot Chocolate Bar with Caza Trail Coffee and Grove Square Hot Chocolate & Cappuccino #MC

I chose Caza Trail and Grove Square beverages first and foremost because of the delicious taste.  I’ve tried a few different single-serve hot chocolate options and these are definitely my favorite, especially the Dark Chocolate Hot Cocoa.  And the French Vanilla Cappuccino is amazing.  I actually set up a Subscribe & Save order with Amazon for it, it’s that good.

I’d love for you to try their beverages, too, so you can make your own hot chocolate bar.  So I’m giving away one box of Caza Trail Donut Shop Coffee!  Giveaway closed – congrats Amanda S!

What would you add to your hot chocolate bar?

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About Liza

Liza is a mom (5-year-old daughter, 20-year-old stepson, and 24-year-old stepdaughter) and wife living in Louisville. She loves spending time with her family, visiting the local zoo and parks, as well as planning travel adventures. Cooking and baking, DIY projects and crafts, and coffee - lots and lots of coffee - round out some of her other hobbies.

  12 Responses to “Create a Coffee and Hot Chocolate Bar for the Holidays with Caza Trail”

  1. marshmallows!

  2. I would add fresh whipped cream

  3. Whip cream is definitely a must for hot chocolate!


  5. I’m real weird–I would add whipped cream, chocolate chips, peanut butter chips, and Andes candies.

  6. Marshmallows and whipped cream

  7. I like to stir a mini milky way midnight into my coffee. LOL! I got that idea from Tina Fey!

  8. Sounds delicious!! I’d add marshmallows to the hot chocolate bar.

  9. I like adding colored marshmallows and whip cream!

  10. I love hot cocoa bars! I would add some of those flavoring syrups for the hot cocoa; that way you start with quality cocoa and flavor it however you want.

  11. Ha! What wouldn’t I add? Mmmmm…whipped cream, choc shavings and this season, candy canes!!

  12. LOVE this! i’d be sure to have whipped cream & candy canes!

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