Jul 072013
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More snowmen (and more to come)!  As I mentioned on my bottle cap post, I love snowmen crafts.  These little guys and gals might look like they’d take awhile to make but they’re surprisingly fast to assemble (I found my inspiration for these on Pinterest).

Snowmen Crafts: Mini Clay Pot Snowmen #CIJ13

They make great little decorations to tuck on a shelf or desk.  I can also see making up a few as placeholders at a Christmas dinner party, and if you’re an elementary school teacher your class could make them to decorate your room in the winter.

Mini Clay Pot Snowmen

Snowmen Crafts: Mini Clay Pot Snowmen #CIJ13

Needed Materials:

1 1/2″ clay pots
1 1/4″ wooden balls
glue gun with glue sticks
small paintbrushes
white acrylic paint
orange acrylic paint
pink acrylic paint
black sharpie marker
pipe cleaners in assorted colors
mini pompoms in assorted colors
felt in assorted colors


Snowmen Crafts: Mini Clay Pot Snowmen #CIJ13

Using a glue gun, glue one wooden ball to the bottom of each clay pot.  This will form the body for one snowman.   Once the glue has dried, paint the ball and pot white.

Once the paint has dried, give your snowmen their faces.  Feel free to be as creative as you’d like.  Use the black sharpie marker for eyes and mouths, then paint on a nose with the orange paint.  I found that a little comma shape made a cute nose.  Finally, give them rosy cheeks with the pink paint.

Next take your pipe cleaners and mold them to your snowman’s head; trim to fit.  Using a dab of glue at each end, attach the pipe cleaner to the top of the snowman’s head (this will be the start of earmuffs).  Once secure, select two pompoms and attach at the base of the pipe cleaner on either side of the head.

Snowmen Crafts: Mini Clay Pot Snowmen #CIJ13

Using a black sharpie marker, create buttons down the center of your snowman’s body.  Cut strips of felt approximately 1/4″ wide.  Wrap them around your snowman’s neck; trim to the length you’d like your scarf to be.  Cut an inverted “V” shape from the ends of the felt; alternately, you can make three small slits to make fringe.  Try wrapping them in different ways until you find your preferred look, then use the glue gun to attach them to your snowmen.

Once you’re done you can add personalization with a sharpie marker or paint and a tiny paint brush.  Add the year, the names of your family and friends, your party guests’ names, whatever you’d like.  Feel free to mix and match the pompoms, pipe cleaners, and felt to create whatever color combination you most love.  It’s hard to tell in the picture but the little guy above is actually dressed in a really brilliant plum/purple color and he turned out to be my favorite.

Click the image below to see all 31 Days of Christmas Crafts, Recipes, DIY & More

Christmas in July: 31 Days of #Christmas #Crafts, #Recipes, #DIY & More #CIJ13

What are your favorite snowmen crafts?

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About Liza

Liza is a mom (5-year-old daughter, 20-year-old stepson, and 24-year-old stepdaughter) and wife living in Louisville. She loves spending time with her family, visiting the local zoo and parks, as well as planning travel adventures. Cooking and baking, DIY projects and crafts, and coffee - lots and lots of coffee - round out some of her other hobbies.

  12 Responses to “Easy DIY Mini Clay Pot Snowmen Craft Kids Can Make”

  1. […] Day 1:  DIY Hanging Christmas Card Holder Day 2:  Bottle Cap Snowman Ornament Craft Day 3:  DIY Christmas Gift: “We Whisk You A Merry KISSmas” plus a free printable Day 4:  Mini Clay Pot Snowmen Craft […]

  2. This is absolutely precious! I’m sharing it on my Facebook page! Pinned it and I can’t wait to make it with my kiddos.

  3. I got the supplies and we will be making these cuties this week!

  4. These are so cute and appear to be simple to make. Thank you for sharing these! :)

  5. Cute project. Thanks for linking up with me. I’m featuring you this week.

  6. […] Mini Clay Pot Snowman from Views from the Ville […]

  7. Love this idea..want to make for my grans….something they can look back on when I’m no longer around…ty for sharing this

  8. […] Snowman Craft from I Heart Crafty Things 5. Popsicle Stick Snowman Craft from Somewhat Simple 6. Snowmen Mini Clay Pots from Views from the Ville 7. DIY Toilet Paper Roll Snowman from Natural Beach Living 8. Snowman […]

  9. […] 3. Corn Snowman Craft 4. Swirly Glue Glittery Snowman Craft 5. Popsicle Stick Snowman Craft 6. Snowmen Mini Clay Pots 7. DIY Toilet Paper Roll Snowman 8. Snowman Popsicle Stick Ornament 9. Soup Can Snowman 10. Dollar […]

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