Jun 102013
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My successful search for affordable family mobile unlimited plans was compensated as part of a social shopper insights study for Collective Bias and their client.

A few weeks ago I shared with you the news that Walmart now had family mobile unlimited plans for only $40 per month.  I had signed up for the service (you can see my whole signup experience here) and promised to come back and let you all know what our results were and if it’s something we recommended.  In short – very good and yes!

Bill Via Text for the Walmart Unlimited Family Mobile Plan #FamilyMobileSaves

First let’s talk about the savings.  I received my prorated bill (via text) a couple of days ago and went online to the account management website for more details. For 15 days of service my bill was $26.26, and that includes taxes.  As a reminder the plan includes unlimited talk, unlimited text, and unlimited web.  Compare that to my current service, where for the first line on my family mobile plan I’m paying, with taxes, $95.30.  That includes 550 shared minutes, a data plan that is NOT unlimited, and I think like 200 texts.  That’s more for one non-unlimited line than I would pay for two unlimited lines with Walmart.

Walmart Family Mobile Unlimited Plans 1st Month's Bill #FamilyMobileSaves

Walmart Unlimited Family Mobile Prorated Bill

My Current Bill for One Phone on Our Family Mobile Plan - Ouch! #FamilyMobileSaves

My bill from my current carrier – first line of family mobile plan, not unlimited!

But even really great savings wouldn’t be worth much if the service was poor.  No problem there, though, as I think the service and reception was comparable to, if not better than, my current service.  I had no dropped calls and I never did find a place without a signal.  That includes inside of Kohl’s where for some reason when I walk to the back of the store my current phone would no longer work.  So now I can shop and talk – two of my favorite things – with no interruptions.

Bubbles Talks to Grammie on the Walmart Unlimited Family Mobile Plan #FamilyMobileSaves

The good reception coupled with the unlimited talk allowed Bubbles to talk during the day more frequently to Grammie in Maine.  She loves to talk on the phone and Grammie (and others) love to talk to her, so their vote is definitely for continued use of Walmart’s service.  Grammie may even be getting one of these phones for her birthday this year (shh, don’t tell).

Walmart Family Mobile vs. Our Current Service #FamilyMobileSaves

Walmart’s Family Mobile plan checked all the boxes for us.  Unlimited everything, $40 or less per line (each extra line on the family plans costs $35), no dropped calls, and good reception.  Once my current contract ends and I can transfer my phone over (the phone I received is a great starter smartphone but I prefer a larger screen for my aging eyes) to my Walmart plan, we definitely plan to continue with our new plan.

How much could you save by switching?

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About Liza

Liza is a mom (5-year-old daughter, 20-year-old stepson, and 24-year-old stepdaughter) and wife living in Louisville. She loves spending time with her family, visiting the local zoo and parks, as well as planning travel adventures. Cooking and baking, DIY projects and crafts, and coffee - lots and lots of coffee - round out some of her other hobbies.

  6 Responses to “Did We Save Money with Walmart Family Mobile Unlimited Plans?”

  1. I LOVE this plan…and that’s so funny that you need a larger screen! Anything to save our family money!!!

  2. Awww – what a cutie! My daughter has always been the same about chatting it up with her grandmother, even now that she’s older. Of course, as a teen – the chatting and texting requires we have unlimited plan. The price we’ve been paying for our contract service is ridiculous! I’m so glad to learn that Walmart Family Mobile worked so well for your family – makes me so much more comfortable about making a switch for my family, too :)

  3. […]  A bit after that I followed up to let you know how we liked the plan and whether or not we were saving money with the new service we had […]

  4. What are your taxes on a full month’s service? It’s advertised as $40/month, but what is the bottom line cost?

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