Apr 262012
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This week Matter of Cents and I are sharing our favorite birthday party ideas from Pinterest.  When it comes to parties, I love planning, decorating, hosting – all aspects, really.  So this was a fun theme for me.

Start the party off right by sending some cute themed invitations to get everyone in the mood.  Here are a few cute ones.

Birthday Party Invitations - Crayon Boxes

Birthday Party Invitations - Cowgirl Rodeo

Birthday Party Invitations - Popsicles

Birthday Party Invitations - Hungry Caterpillar

After you’ve invited your guests, you’ll want to start planning/making/shopping for your decor.  These are some of my favorite decorations.

Birthday Party Decor - Homemade Ribbon Mobile

Birthday Party Decorations - Candy Land Theme

Birthday Party Decorations - Crown Chair-Back Covers

Birthday Party Decorations - Balloon Wreath

Birthday Party Decorations - Double Balloons

Birthday Party Tablescape

And what about the food?

Birthday Party Food - Cupcake Fondue

Birthday Party Food - Edible Teacups

Birthday Party Food - Magical, Color-Changing Drinks

Birthday Party Foods - Rainbow Cake in a Jar

Birthday Party Foods - Shark Watermelon

And here are some party favor and game ideas.

Birthday Party Favors - Juice Box Robots

Birthday Party Favors - Game Show-esque Punch Board

Birthday Party Favors - Fairy (or Pixie) Dust

Birthday Party Games - Oscar's Trash Toss

And then, just because….

Funny Birthday Gift

Okay, I’m stopping now.  Seriously, I could do this all day; I really love party planning.

Would you like to share your birthday party pins?  Please feel free to link up below!  We just ask that you link to our posts (here and here).  Feel free to use our button or the linky, too, if you’d like!

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About Liza

Liza is a mom (5-year-old daughter, 20-year-old stepson, and 24-year-old stepdaughter) and wife living in Louisville. She loves spending time with her family, visiting the local zoo and parks, as well as planning travel adventures. Cooking and baking, DIY projects and crafts, and coffee - lots and lots of coffee - round out some of her other hobbies.

  7 Responses to “Let’s Party! Birthday Party Ideas On Pin Me! Thursday”

  1. Such cool ideas! I love the Homemade Crayon Boxes Invitations :)

  2. […] week I have once again joined Matter of Cents and Views from the Ville in their “Pin Me” Pinterest Hop!  This week’s theme is Birthday Party […]

  3. Great ideas! Those double balloons are awesome!

  4. So many great ideas! My problem is I have all these ideas and then only think about actually doing something a few days out and then there is no time :(

    • I know what you mean, Ghada! I’ve actually decided that I’m going to get one of those large, year-long calendars and spend a couple of hours one of these weekends going through and marking off birthdays and other important events/parties/etc. Then as I find cool ideas on here that I want to try, I’m going to write the name of my Pin Board on the calendar with enough days in between to get them done.

  5. Wow these are some great ideas I am going to pin this one for future reference

  6. […] Pinterest When creating your own Pin Me! post, please include a link to both hosts' posts (here and here). If you'd also like to include our button, we would really appreciate it.Please visit […]

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