Oct 312011

Happy Halloween!  I hope everyone that is participating in any kind of activity tonight has a fun and safe evening.

If you’re looking for some jokes to tell in the car – or if you want to tell a few as your walking from house to house trick or treating – check out these jokes from Fozzie.  (Yes, we went trick or treating in the car when I was growing up.  Our nearest “neighbor” was about a quarter-mile away, and it just spread out from there.)  Click the image for a larger, printable version.

Muppet Pumpkin Stencil & Jokes for Halloween

And if you still need to do some pumpkin carving, try this Kermit stencil.  The design looks like it would be pretty quick to complete.  If you print it out now (click the image for a printable version that includes instructions) you could be done in less than an hour I would suspect! Continue reading »