Aug 182014
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For whatever reason, our master bedroom has always been the most neglected room in our house.  The walls are still bare aside from paint, and the only furniture has been our bed and a small table with a white noise machine and a humidifier.

Exciting, I know.

We’ve said for years “we really should get a dresser” or “some drawers would be nice”.  We even checked out a few furniture stores.  So much of what we looked at just didn’t seem to be of good value, didn’t fit our style, or wasn’t right for the space.

Sauder Website - Made in the USA Furniture

When I was offered the opportunity to peruse the Sauder website and select a piece of furniture, I was cautiously optimistic.  I had heard great things about the company and their quality in the past, so I was just hoping to find something that fit our style and the space.

The website is organized very logically.  It made it very easy to find what I wanted to look at.  You can sort by product type, the space you want to place the furniture in, or even by collection if you happen to know the family of pieces that you are interested in.

Sauder Shoal Creek Collection Dresser

There were a few different dressers I found that I liked the style of, including one that I almost got for Bubbles’ room (we’ve been looking for the perfect white dresser or chest of drawers for her room for awhile now, too).  I almost always opt for getting her something when there’s an option, but this time I focused on the original plan and narrowed down my choices until I found a nice dark wood piece, the Shoal Creek Collection Dresser.

Unpacking the Sauder Box

People can be a little hesitant to purchase furniture you need to assemble on your own, and I completely get that.  Directions can be spotty at best, and it can take a little time.  But hubby and I both enjoy DIY and home projects, so we were willing to take on the challenge.

Bubbles Helping with Assembly of the Sauder Dresser

The box it arrived in was heavy; the pieces were definitely solid and seemed well-constructed.  After opening the box and laying out the pieces we fell into our usual roles: I read the instructions and pointed out pieces, and he put it together.  Of course, Bubbles wanted to lend a hand, too, so it was definitely a family affair.

Bubbles & Daddy Assembling the Sauder Dresser

We were both impressed at how easily it went together; the instructions were clear, the pieces well-labeled.  The one suggestion that my husband would have made to the process is the system that holds the top to the base.  They are a kind of cam bolt, but not the usual type.  My apologies; that’s really the extent of my knowledge of construction. He just said it would be a little stronger if the bolts were different.

Individual Dresser Assembly of the Sauder Shoal Creek Collection Dresser

Once put together, the Sauder dresser really make our bedroom feel a little more grown-up and a lot more lived in.  Right now, we’re also using it as the entertainment center, but I can think of other ways to use it that I’ll show you a little later.  It’s nice to have versatile pieces that are also beautiful!

What would you order from Sauder?

This is a sponsored conversation written by me on behalf of Sauder. The opinions and text are all mine.

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About Liza

Liza is a mom (5-year-old daughter, 20-year-old stepson, and 24-year-old stepdaughter) and wife living in Louisville. She loves spending time with her family, visiting the local zoo and parks, as well as planning travel adventures. Cooking and baking, DIY projects and crafts, and coffee - lots and lots of coffee - round out some of her other hobbies.

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