May 092014
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This X-Men: Days of Future Past movie post is sponsored by Global Influence. All words and opinions are my own.

The more commercials I see for X-Men Days of Future Past, the more excited I get.  We’ve always enjoyed the X-Men movies, and this one looks like it could top the others in terms of awesomeness.

And, let’s all be honest. Hugh Jackman.  Yes.

It opens on May 23rd, a few days after Ashley graduates, which means she should be home and available to babysit while hubby and I have a date night.  It’s been awhile since we’ve had the opportunity to catch a movie at the theater, just the two of us, so it will be a nice treat.

X-Men Days of Future Past Exclusive Axe Gift Pack with FREE #XMen Movie Poster

Before we head out to watch it, I’ll be stopping by Walgreens to pick up the X-Men: Days of Future Past Axe® gift pack with a free movie poster inside.  Both hubby and Austin like many of the Axe products, so it’s something we’d be buying, anyway.  Maybe gift packs for each of them for graduation and Father’s Day.  The free X-men poster will be a nice little bonus.

Check out the store locator below to find participating Walgreens.

And because I know you would all like to see the movie, too, I am excited to have lots of movie tickets to give away!  Three winners will each receive a code that’s good for two movie tickets (so you’ll be able to have a date night, or parent/child night, girl’s night out, whatever you’d like).  Giveaway closed.

X-Men: Days of Future Past Movie Ticket Giveaway! #XMen

Which X-Men Days of Future Past character is your favorite?

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About Liza

Liza is a mom (5-year-old daughter, 20-year-old stepson, and 24-year-old stepdaughter) and wife living in Louisville. She loves spending time with her family, visiting the local zoo and parks, as well as planning travel adventures. Cooking and baking, DIY projects and crafts, and coffee - lots and lots of coffee - round out some of her other hobbies.

  18 Responses to “X-Men Fans! Get a Free X-Men Days of Future Past Movie Poster!”

  1. Yikes! Although I saw the previous X-Men movie, I cannot recall the characters.mI guess I like them all!

  2. Wolverine is my favorite!

  3. I love Wolverine! And Magneto.

  4. Which of the X-Men characters are your favorite?


  5. I like Wolverine.

  6. I love Wolverine the most!

  7. Gambit is easily my favorite! It’s the swagger and the cards!

  8. Wolverine is my favorite.

  9. I like Wolverine

  10. I think Wolverine is the only name I remember. So I am going to go with Wolverine. My son would know all of the characters though.

  11. Storm is my favorite character.

  12. I love Wolverine!

  13. Magneto is my favorite character

  14. I like Storm or Rogue.

  15. Mystique is my favorite character.

  16. Wolverine, Storm, Gambit, Iceman, Colossus and Callisto.

  17. Wolverine my favorite.

  18. My favorite is Storm! 😀

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