Apr 092014
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I didn’t drink a whole lot of milk as a young adult.  In fact, I can remember once claiming to my grandmother when I was young that I was lactose intolerant just so I wouldn’t have to drink it.  Of course she had known me all my life, so I’m not sure why I thought it would work.

Fortunately Bubbles doesn’t have that problem.  Milk is the first drink she asks for.  I thankful that is comes so easy, at least for the time being, because 95% of bone building happens by age 20. Females are born with lower bone density than men which creates a higher need for daily calcium intake, so we really need to step up our game, in general.

Both Sissy and I could take a lesson from Bubbles.  I know that I don’t get the amount of calcium I should, and I doubt that with the heavy schedule of a college senior that Ashley does, either.  She and I aren’t alone, though: almost 70% of women, on average, are calcium deficient, and for teen girls specifically, that number jumps to 86%.

Viactiv Calcium Soft Chews

Viactiv Calcium Soft Chews #ViactivYoursandHers

So recently I’ve been taking Viactiv Calcium Soft Chews.  Just two convenient Soft Chews provides 100% of most women’s recommended daily allowance of calcium, plus vitamins D3 and K.  Plus they come in two great flavors, chocolate (which I gave to Ashley) and caramel (which I kept for myself), so I almost feel like I’m getting a little treat when I take them.

Viactiv 15th Birthday Bash Giveaway #ViactivYoursandHers

If you’re curious if you or your teens are getting enough calcium check out Viactiv’s website.  You should also head over to the Viactiv Facebook page to enter their 15th Birthday Bash Giveaway.  The entry periods run from the 4th to the 15th of each month, April through July.  On the 15th of each month 15 winners will be randomly selected to receive two canisters of Viactiv Calcium Soft Chews.

Be sure to look for Viactiv Calcium Soft Chews at Walmart, Rite Aid, CVS, Target, Walgreens, and online from drugstore.com.

Get the latest information on Viactiv® Calcium Soft Chews at www.viactiv.com. #ViactivYoursandHers

This is a product-provided, sponsored conversation that contains affiliate links. I received two full-sized canisters of Viactiv® Calcium Soft Chews and a picture frame for my own personal use. All opinions, text and experiences are my own.

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About Liza

Liza is a mom (5-year-old daughter, 20-year-old stepson, and 24-year-old stepdaughter) and wife living in Louisville. She loves spending time with her family, visiting the local zoo and parks, as well as planning travel adventures. Cooking and baking, DIY projects and crafts, and coffee - lots and lots of coffee - round out some of her other hobbies.

  3 Responses to “Building the Bones of the Next Generation with Viactiv”

  1. I’ve tried to encourage my wife to take a calcium supplement, but she just won’t listen. She’ll be sorry someday!

  2. Caramel is my favourite. Caramel that’s good for you? Sign me up!

  3. I would definitely try the caramel. I’m really bad at getting enough calcium in.

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