Jul 222013

I participated in a Champions for Kids SIMPLE Service Project as part of a sponsored campaign for Collective Bias®.  All words and opinions are my own.

July is slowly melting away and before you know it school will be back in session.  Most of us are thinking about spending a few more days splashing in the pool or how we can fit in one last road trip while we still have time.  I’d like to ask you consider adding one more item to your to-do list: join us in participating in a Champions for Kids SIMPLE Service Project.

Champions for Kids Tooth Tunes Donations #Spinbrush4Kids

This month we collected donations as part of the Champions for Kids and Arm & Hammer Spinbrush SIMPLE Service Project designed to bring attention to kids in need.  Many families struggle on a daily basis to provide food and shelter; for them, much outside of those two things are considered luxuries.  It’s even more challenging during the summer when schools are out and the assistance provided by school programs is not being provided. Continue reading »