Nov 242013

I received a complimentary subscription to eMeals in order to try meal planning.  All thoughts and words are my own.

There are days around here that if you ask “What would you like for dinner?” all you get in return is a lot of blank stares.  Everyone looks at each other, and eventually someone will say, “I don’t care, what do you want?” which kicks off a chain reaction of “I don’t care, either.  What do you want?”.  It can be funny, except on days when you’re hungry and you really just want someone to tell you what to cook.

I’d try my best to do a little meal planning on Sundays.  I would try and come up with a list of meals we hadn’t eaten recently and slot them throughout the week.  If I had time, which wasn’t as often as I’d like, I’d even break out the local sales flyers to see what was on sale and make a couple of meal choices around that.  Like the rest of you, though, meal planning isn’t my only weekly (or daily or hourly, for that matter) task and it didn’t always work out quite the way I hoped.

eMeals Weekly Meal Planning

Then I read a review of eMeals and thought, “Wow, that sounds like something I need.”  Because eMeals does the meal planning for you.  They even craft the meals around your local weekly sales to help save you money! Continue reading »

Dec 022012

Trying to keep on top of your own appointments, to-do lists, and other required activities can be hard enough.  Keeping yourself organized plus keeping the entire family’s schedules straight – that can be hugely stressful!  One is going to piano lessons, another is heading to basketball practice; Mom has a doctor’s appointment, Dad has to make dinner.  Plus the baby will need a few feedings and diaper changes in there.  But who’s counting, right?

Organize your life & family with FamilyDen

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