Dec 272014

Disney’s Into the Woods opened on Christmas Day and I have heard nothing but great things about it.  I’ve always loved musicals and musical theater – and actually did some theater in high school – so I’m really looking forward to this adaptation.  Unfortunately I’ve been under the weather for the last few days so we haven’t made it over yet but hope to next week.

Into the Woods fun facts: Mackenzie Mauzy as Rapunzel in Disney Into the Woods

In the meantime I’ve been enjoying listening to the phenomenal Into the Woods soundtrack.  Did you know that the music for the film was pre-recorded over a two-week period at Angel Studios in London with a 56-piece orchestra, composed of some of the best musicians from the London Symphony Orchestra and London Philharmonic? Continue reading »

Dec 102014

Somewhere around junior high my family started a new tradition of the entire family going to a movie on Thanksgiving night.  There were 10 or so of us that went and it was always a fun way to end the day’s festivities.  There were a surprising number of other people there, and I found out that for many it wasn’t just a Thanksgiving tradition, it was a Christmas one, too.

Into the Woods opens Christmas Day 2014

I’m trying to remember if we saw any movies on Christmas Day.  If we did, none really stick out to me.  But this year, I think that’s going to be different.  Because this year Into the Woods opens on December 25th and I think it’s going to be awesome. Continue reading »

Lots of Disney Movies in this Week’s Entertainment Roundup

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Sep 242013

There is a lot of exciting entertainment news in the world of Disney movies.  New DVD and Blu-ray releases, plus some just-announced new films and animated tales.  I’m especially excited for the new live-action Cinderella!

The Pirate Fairy

New Disney Movies: Zarina and James from The Pirate Fairy

New Disney Movies: Tink, Zarina and the Fairies from The Pirate Fairy

Disney’s The Pirate Fairy will release next year, and this is one about which I’m really excited.  We love Tink and the fairies, we love Jake and the Pirates, so combining pirates and fairies into one movie is going to be awesome.  It centers around Zarina and James, and as I have more information to share, I will definitely do so! Continue reading »