Oct 102014

I was adopted by my parents when I was only a few weeks old.  I was born towards the end of March, and by the middle of April, I was home with them.

My Adoption Photo #Frosty4Adoption

My parents, me as a baby, and the judge that finalized my adoption.

My parents never tried to hide the situation from me.  I know it can be a tricky thing to explain to kids, but I remember being aware from a very young age of how I came to be part of my family.  And while I am technically adopted, I’ve never thought of myself as anything other than my parents’ child. Continue reading »

Jun 232012

It has been exceedingly hot here for the last few weeks.  So hot that I keep forgetting that summer has just technically started; for as long as it’s been hot, it feels like fall should be right around the corner.  Today was a little cooler – only mid-80s and not so much humidity – but still relatively hot.

It's hot outside! Thermometer reads 85.

We had spent the morning doing some housework and then running errands which can zap your energy on a regular day.  By the time we returned home, Bubbles had fallen asleep and everyone was ready for some lunch and a break.  I wanted to do something a little special and thought that something cold and creamy would be perfect.  One of hubby’s favorite fast food restaurants is Wendy’s and they have those tasty Frosties!  They sounded like the perfect way to cool down on a Saturday afternoon.

Wendy's Frosty Key Chain - Free Mini Frosty!

Did you know Wendy’s has these cute Frosty key chains?  You pay a dollar for them and then every time you make a purchase and show it at Wendy’s you get a free mini Frosty!  I think it’s an excellent deal. Continue reading »