Feb 052016

I love to bake and decorate cakes, cupcakes and cookies.  I took some cake decorating classes in the past, but I still have (a lot of) room for improvement.  Last year I made Bubbles a Disney Frozen Elsa Doll Cake and currently I’m trying to come up with a design for a Minecraft-inspired cake for her fifth birthday in a few days.

Everything you wanted to know about frosting tips

While I don’t share a ton of infographics with you all, when I saw this one about frosting tips I knew I wanted to share.  It can be really hard to visualize the exact design frosting tips will make when you’re shopping at the store so this is a useful guide to have.  I’m thinking tip 233 might be perfect for making grass for my Minecraft cake! Continue reading »

Apr 212013

Perfect Hard Boiled Eggs + 14 Other Food & Cooking Tips

15 Food & Cooking Tips

Ever go to bake chocolate chip cookies and find that the brown sugar is hard as a rock?  Or boil eggs for deviled eggs and accidentally tear them all up while trying to peel them?  Yep, I’ve been there, too.  And it’s so frustrating!  You end up wasting money or needing to buy extra ingredients or change your plans.  I spoke to some of my blogging buddies and they’ve had similar situations.  We’d like to share with you what we’ve learned from trial and error to save you some headaches.

Perfect Hard Boiled Eggs

Place 4-6 eggs in the bottom of a small saucepan.  Cover with cold water by 1-2 inches then add 1/2 tsp. baking soda (the baking soda will make your eggs super-easy to peel).  Bring to a boil over medium-high heat; cover and remove from heat.  Let sit, covered, for 10-12 minutes.  Run eggs under cold water until cool to the touch, then peel.  (I tap my eggs on the counter and then gently roll them back and forth with my hand to crack the shell all over.)

14 Additional Tips

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