Jun 282013

This week’s movie news is pretty much a Disney-lover’s dream.  Iron Man 3 Blu-ray Combo Packs have a street date, and we’re closing in on the 20th anniversary of one of my favorite movies, The Nightmare Before Christmas.  Check out all the deets below.

Monsters University

Monsters University - Now Playing #MonstersU

In case you missed it, Monsters University opened last week and topped the box office.  MU took in $82 million during it’s opening weekend and it’s no doubt – it’s a scarily good movie!  If you haven’t seen it yet this weekend would be a good time to do so.  And if you have a Monsters University fan on your hands there are lots of fun MU toys and books available right now (those fraternity and sorority bean bag plushes are awfully cute). Continue reading »

Nov 272012

Yesterday we saw a commercial for Men In Black 3 on television.  It was fun to be able to say “Hey, I already saw that!” – and to not even be talking about leaving the house!  You may remember me sharing with you that Men In Black 3 will be released on DVD and Blu-Ray on November 30th but by pre-ordering our copy from Walmart and then registering it online, we received an advanced digital copy to watch on November 16th.  You can view my Google+ album to see the easy process.

Advanced viewing of MIB3 on Vudu #SeeMIB3

We’ve watched the movie twice already.  The first time, my husband and I watched it together to decide which family members it was appropriate for.  I’m glad we took the time to do so; the first few minutes of the film were a little too high on the “ick” factor to let Bubbles watch from the start.  But after a couple of initial scenes, it was mostly humor and learning about Agent K’s back-story. Continue reading »

Oct 292012

Men In Black 3 Is Available For Pre-Order!

Men In Black 3 DVD/Blu-Ray/Digital Combo #SEEMIB3

I mentioned the other day that A2 broke his finger and had to have surgery last week.  There isn’t a whole lot on TV on Friday nights, so while I was picking up a few things at the store, I decided to wander through the DVDs and Blu-Rays to see if there were any new releases that everyone might enjoy.  Normally if I knew he was going to be laid up for a couple of days I’d be looking at video games, but with the contraption they have his hand wrapped up in, video games are out of the question for the next little while.

Men In Black 3 #SEEMIB3

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Apr 092012

PBS recently released “The Best of Caillou: Caillou’s Outdoor Adventure” on DVD.  As we’re big Caillou fans in our house, we were pretty excited.  A quick episode or two right before bedtime really helps Bubbles to wind down and get ready to fall asleep.  And we’re obviously not alone in our love of the cute preschooler; over 4 million households tune in to watch each month!

The Best of Caillou: Caillou's Outdoor Adventures

Photo Credit: Amazon.com

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