Aug 182014

For whatever reason, our master bedroom has always been the most neglected room in our house.  The walls are still bare aside from paint, and the only furniture has been our bed and a small table with a white noise machine and a humidifier.

Exciting, I know.

We’ve said for years “we really should get a dresser” or “some drawers would be nice”.  We even checked out a few furniture stores.  So much of what we looked at just didn’t seem to be of good value, didn’t fit our style, or wasn’t right for the space.

Sauder Website - Made in the USA Furniture

When I was offered the opportunity to peruse the Sauder website and select a piece of furniture, I was cautiously optimistic.  I had heard great things about the company and their quality in the past, so I was just hoping to find something that fit our style and the space. Continue reading »

Jan 262012

Matter of Cents and I are excited to bring you another week of Pin Me! Pinterest Thursdays.

This week I asked those of you who are following me on Facebook for your theme suggestions, as this week is Reader’s Choice. I’ll be saving the other suggestions for some future posts, but I selected the “Crafts/DIY” option for this week. Here are a few of my faves.

Wedding Invitation Ornament
This one is actually one of my own crafts; I made it for my brother and new sis-in-law.
DIY Projects: Ornament Made From a Wedding Invitation - Great Gift for the Couple

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