Jan 122012

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Matter of Cents and I are pleased to bring you Week 3 of our Pin Me! Pinterest posts (say that three times fast).  This week’s theme is Winter Weather.
Winter in Kentucky doesn’t compare to winter in Maine in terms of severity.  While we’re supposed to get 2-4 inches here over the course of tomorrow and Friday, I’ve seen 12-14 inches (and then some) fall in the same time frame in Maine.
Not going to lie.  I prefer the accumulation here.
But there’s something so peaceful and so beautiful about a fresh snowfall.  It’s a silence that you can’t describe unless you experience it yourself.  And the way trees look draped after the first storm – so pretty.  Here are a few of my favorite pins that highlight winter weather (including one from my hometown!).
This little guy loves the snow, too!
(It’s so entertaining to watch animals try and figure the white stuff out.)

I loved making snow sculptures when I was a kid – but nothing this great!
(We had a snow sculpture contest every year in high school.  My class never won.)

And who doesn’t love building a snowman?
(I remember building an entire village of Smurf snow-people one winter when I was like six – no lie.  Blue spray paint and everything!)

After the season’s first snowfall in Maine.
(Isn’t this pretty?  For Mainiacs, it’s just not Christmas without snow.)

I’d love to walk down this street!
(This reminds me a little of the first few Narnia scenes in the Lion, the Witch & the Wardrobe.)

Speaking of the Narnia movies…
(The wonderment of winter through the eyes of a child – in this case, Lucy.)

Would you like to share your take on Winter Weather? Please link up below! We’d love for you to add a link to this post and the one at Matter of Cents, if you would, please. Please add your link below so everyone can see your favorite winter weather pics!