Sep 292012

Baby Safety Month:  Monitoring Your Child

For a very long time Bubbles wouldn’t sleep unless one of us were holding her, lying next to her, or within arm’s reach.  While it made for some long nights, it did make that parental urge to check your baby’s breathing much easier.  We didn’t have to keep getting up and checking another room; we just looked down.

Now that Bubbles is older and has her own toddler bed, she enjoys having her own special sleep place.  She still likes to fall asleep within sight of us (and still fights bedtime sleep like a professional boxer) but once asleep we move her to her bed and she’s content.  While it’s good to see her independence grow – and also to be able to actually do the dishes while she sleeps now – it did put us in need of a monitor.  The audio ones are nice and have been helpful for decades; I remember playing with the one my Mom had for my younger brothers.  But I really wanted to try one of the new video and audio combo ones.

Baby Monitor: Baby Safety Month

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Sep 232012

National Baby Safety Month: Bath Time Safety

Baby Safety Month: Bath Time Safety

Bath time for many kids is one of the highlights of their day.  I know that with Bubbles we now actually have to spell the word bath or she runs to the bathroom door and starts trying to wriggle out of her clothes like an escape artist.  She isn’t that crazy about having her hair washed, but once that’s out the way, she plays happily until her fingers start to prune and she reluctantly lets us pull her out of the tub. While bath time is fun time, it unfortunately can also be dangerous.  Being diligent while watching your child bathe is important, but there are also safety measures that you can take ahead of time to reduce the risks. Continue reading »

Jul 232012

Have a little one or know someone that does?  Then you’ll love this Bloggers Giving Back Baby Bash hosted by Makobi Scribe and MomVantage.  The inspiration for this hop was a little different than most; all the participating bloggers are encouraged to give back to their community in some way.  While shopping for a friend’s upcoming baby shower the other day, I picked up a few extras (pacis, bottles, etc.) and will be making a donation later this week.


I’m VERY excited to be giving away a BRITAX Baby Carrier in your choice of colors!  You could choose the BRITAX Baby Carrier in either Black or Navy (MSRP $129.99) OR in Organic Tan  (MSRP $139.99).  You’ll also receive a matching Seat Extender Insert (MSRP $24.99 and $26.99). Continue reading »

Jul 232012

What are the benefits of babywearing?

Shortly after Bubbles was born, we started our attempts at babywearing.  At the time, she was so tiny, that with the carriers that we were trying, it was difficult to find a secure fit.  As she got older and grew (and grew – into the 90th percentile for height!) it fortunately got a little easier, sizing-wise.  It was nice to have her close and have my hands free at the same time, plus it gave her a different view of the world now and then.

10 benefits of babywearing for you and your baby

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May 312012

Someone mentioned the other day that our children are much better dressed than we were as children.  While I think my mother did a great job dressing me, the fashions of the day then just don’t compare to what’s available today.  If you look in my closet and then you look in Bubbles closet, you’ll quickly release that the smallest member of our household has probably the widest wardrobe selections of us all; it’s just too hard to pass up all the cute toddler gear!

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