Sep 052017
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With kids returning to school, soccer practices starting, and a nip in the air, all signs point to the onset of fall. And fall always starts the discussion of trips to the pumpkin patch, Halloween costumes, and fall foliage drives.

17 Savory Pumpkin Recipes for Fall! Pumpkin bread and PSL coffee are great, but there are many other delicious pumpkin recipes - like these!

When Bubbles asked the other day when we’d be visiting the pumpkin patch, it prompted a family conversation about our favorite pumpkin treats. Of course, it’s hard to leave pumpkin bread and PSL coffee off the list, but there are lots of other options, too.

My husband still raves about a Pumpkin Sausage Soup he once had. I’ve been searching for a similar recipe that could serve as a base for me recreating it. Unfortunately, I’ve yet to find anything close. In my search, however, I did turn up a nice collection of savory pumpkin recipes I wanted to share with you all.

17 Savory Pumpkin Recipes

Pumpkin Fries with Buffalo Aioli – My Life Cookbook
Vegan Pumpkin Pasta – VNutrition
Pumpkin & Bacon Dip – Having Fun Saving
Vegetarian Pumpkin Chili – Clementine County
Ponzu Steak on Wasabi Pumpkin Puree – The Foodolic
Black Bean Pumpkin Soup with Quinoa – Avocado Pesto
Pumpkin Macaroni & Cheese – Simply Stacie
Brown Butter Pumpkin Grits – Peas and Crayons
Slow Cooker Paleo Beef & Pumpkin Stew – Recipe This
Creamy Pumpkin Chicken Enchiladas – Bless This Mess Please
Pumpkin & Sweet Potatoes with Rice – Mama Likes to Cook
Slow Cooker Pumpkin Butter – Today’s Creative Life
Creamy Pumpkin Sage Sausage Pasta – Snappy Gourmet
Savory Pumpkin Hummus – Wholefully
Slow Cooker Beef, Bean & Pumpkin Chili Con Carne – The Purple Pumpkin
Cheesy Pumpkin Dinner Rolls – Plated Cravings
Pumpkin Gnocchi with Crispy Sage – Cooking on the Front Burners

If I manage to recreate the pumpkin sausage soup recipe I will be sure to share it with you! If you know of a great one, I’d love it if you’d leave a link in the comments below.

What are your favorite savory pumpkin recipes?

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About Liza

Liza is a mom (5-year-old daughter, 20-year-old stepson, and 24-year-old stepdaughter) and wife living in Louisville. She loves spending time with her family, visiting the local zoo and parks, as well as planning travel adventures. Cooking and baking, DIY projects and crafts, and coffee - lots and lots of coffee - round out some of her other hobbies.

  4 Responses to “Savory Pumpkin Recipes to Enjoy This Fall”

  1. I love all things pumpkin, and I really love that your list is made up of savory dishes! Pumpkin isn’t just for desserts and coffee :) Thank you for this list, I can’t wait to eat my way through it :)

  2. Thank you for sharing Liza :)

  3. Absolutely love all these pumpkin recipes! I love healthy food! I prefer pumpkin – it may reduce cancer risk, protect the skin, boost your mood and other! And i’ll definitely try these recipes. My husband would love it! Thanks for sharing Liza!

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