Jul 142016
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Blue and silver is probably one of my favorite color combinations for Christmas.  I mean, I love the traditional green and red, too, but silver and blue just seem so classy.  Plus they’re an easy nod to all things winter, so you can extend the use of your decorations for a longer season.

"Bright", "Peace", "Hope" and "Joy" DIY Tile Coasters in silver & blue - perfect for Christmas!

I’ve had some white tiles kicking around in my craft stash that I knew I wanted to turn into coasters.  I just wasn’t exactly sure what kind of coasters.

Then I remembered that a couple of years ago I celebrated Christmas in July by sharing with you all a couple weeks’ worth of Christmas-inspired projects.  I had a lot of fun doing them, so I decided to make DIY Tile Coasters for Christmas.  I’ve shared the affiliate shopping links below in case you’re not familiar with all the supplies.

"Hope" and "Joy" DIY Tile Coasters in silver & blue - perfect for Christmas!

Supplies Needed:


These DIY tile coasters are really simple.  First, make sure the tiles are really clean – a quick wipe down with some alcohol will help.  Then simply freehand the words or phrases you want to use.

Because these DIY tile coasters are for Christmas, I chose to use: hope, joy, bright, and peace.  Then I added some dots in a random pattern around the words.

"Bright", "Peace", "Hope" and "Joy" DIY Tile Coasters in silver & blue - perfect for Christmas!

After you have your design and words the way you want them, let them dry for 24 hours or so.  Then put them on a baking sheet and place in the oven.  Turn up to 425 and leave for 45 minutes.  When the 45 minutes are up, turn the oven off and let them cool completely (overnight, if you can).

You can then give them a quick coat of clear sealant if you’d like to help keep the design last longer.  Even then, these should be hand-washed to prevent chipping or smudging.

I wanted to share more projects with you this year, too, but with getting Bubbles ready for Kindergarten and other summer fun, I wasn’t going to have time for too many projects.  So I asked a few of my blogger friends if they’d like to team up to share some, too.  Check out their awesome projects!

Christmas in July - Crafts, DIYs, Printables, Recipes, Gifts & More

Come back next week for Christmas-inspired recipes from us all, too!

"Hope" and "Joy" DIY Tile Coasters in silver & blue - perfect for Christmas!

How would you decorate your DIY tile coasters?

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About Liza

Liza is a mom (5-year-old daughter, 20-year-old stepson, and 24-year-old stepdaughter) and wife living in Louisville. She loves spending time with her family, visiting the local zoo and parks, as well as planning travel adventures. Cooking and baking, DIY projects and crafts, and coffee - lots and lots of coffee - round out some of her other hobbies.

  3 Responses to “Make These Easy Freehand DIY Tile Coasters for Christmas”

  1. What a great gift idea! I would definitely use these all year long!

  2. […] week we celebrated Christmas in July with make-ahead Christmas projects, like my DIY Christmas coasters.  This week we’re continuing the party with holiday-inspired sweet treats and I have […]

  3. […] DIY Tile Christmas Coasters – Views From the ‘Ville […]

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